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Katz’s DCF Photoshopped, Mocked Critics Texts Show.

Former DCF Commissioner Joette Katz’s text message reveal a long vicious streak toward critics. Katz’s chief of staff, Elizabeth Duryea delighted in taking aim at the secretive agency’s critics, covering her boss is praise, and providing Katz with frequent traffic reports.

On September 1, 2015, Duryea delighted in sending Katz a photoshopped creation of Senate Republic Leader Len Fasano spanking Child Advocate Sarah Eagan. Fasano and Eagan were critical of DCF’s fatal failures in protecting the state’s most vulnerable children under Katz. The former high court judge and her palace guard reveal thin skins and preening self-regard in hundreds of pages of recently discovered text messages obtained by Daily Ructions through a Freedom of Information Act request. They probably would declare themselves feminists. Their treatment of other women in government who dared to disagree suggests they are not.