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UPDATE: SOLVED. IT WAS THE DOJO. Kill Bob” Sign Appears Outside State Republican Greenwich Office. Party Summons Police.

UPDATE: State Republicans are relieved to learn that the “Kill Bob” sign that greeted and alarmed them at their Greenwich office this morning is not a threat. The sign is from the neighboring dojo. The sensei attaches it to a dummy named Bob to inspire his karate students to beat the daylights out of Bob. He forgot to take it inside at the end of last night’s class. A dummy named Bob.”

Ajarring morning for Connecticut Republican party leaders. They arrived this morning at their Greenwich office on Putnam Avenue to be greeted by a menacing sign that says, “Kill Bob.” The sign appears to refer to Bob Stefanowski, the party’s nominee for governor.

The message is clear and reprehensible. The flowers drawn around the tape letters are creepy.

The matter has been reported to the local police. Party chairman Ben Proto is expected to release a statement shortly.

Published August 30, 2022.