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Klarides Contributes $70,000 to Campaign as Levy Promotes Endorsement by ”Vulgar” and ”Ill-mannered” Trump.

Party-endorsed Republican Senate hopeful Themis Klarides added $70,000 of her own to her campaign coffers Thursday. The veteran former legislator will need the cash infusion to blunt the impact of Donald Trump’s ugly endorsement of rival Leora Levy in their August 9th primary showdown.

The perpetually aggrieved Floridian used the Levy endorsement as an excuse for a venomous attack on Klarides, Democratic incumbent Senator Richard Blumenthal, and three Republican governors who won re-election bids in Democratic states—Larry Hogan, Charlie Baker, and Chris Christie. Trump was defeated for re-election by 7 million votes and lost the Electoral College by a landslide.

Shapeshifter Levy has remade herself as a Trump toady, sacrificing whatever pride she may once have possessed. The Greenwich Republican suffered a humiliating loss when delegates in her state senate district refused to nominate her in a special election contest against Ryan Fazio. Levy has benefited in this year’s contest from Klarides’s oddly lethargic campaign. Party insiders and other observers are perplexed that the 11-term legislator is not only getting terrible advice but appears to take it.

The final four days of the campaign are expected to include an unmerciful assault on prime voters with robocalls, text messages and ads as the instruments of abuse.

Published August 5, 2022.