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Kula Jumps. Newcomer Will Seek to Petition onto Democratic Primary Ballot in Open 5th CD.

Washington political veteran Shannon Kula will seek the Democratic nomination for Congress in the Connecticut’s 5th CD. Kula polled this spring to assess her chances against popular 1st CD incumbent John Larson. The emphasis in that survey, first reported by Daily Ructions, was on gender and freshness.

Kula, recently moved to Connecticut,  announced her candidacy today and has two weeks to collect signatures from 2% of the district’s registered Democrats to secure a spot on the August 14th primary ballot. If successful, Kula will face disputed convention endorsed candidate Mary Glassman, who has held a long series of not-too-demanding government sinecures and the nation’s 2016 teacher of the year, Jahana Hayes.

Daily Ructions has learned that Kula may have sufficient resources to fund the launch of her campaign.

Here, in part, is her announcement:

(Farmington, CT) —  Dr. Shannon Kula, a proven leader and dedicated public servant with a record of fighting for everyday families today announced her run to represent Connecticut’s Fifth Congressional District.  Shannon is a former Chief of Staff in the United States Senate, a cancer survivor and a retired military spouse.

“I believe I have the experience and perspective to make a difference for everyday families and that’s why I’m running for Congress,” said Shannon Kula.  “My own life experience – growing up in Connecticut and being the first in my family to attend college, as a military spouse, and then fighting my own battle with breast cancer – has really given me a deep understanding of the struggles so many families face in our community.  And my years in the U.S. Congress have given me the experience to go there and actually get something done for the people of the 5th District to bring about the change that families so badly need.”

Shannon brings a unique set of perspectives and experience, and has launched an aggressive campaign to collect signatures to be placed on the Democratic primary ballot.

Petitions from the sprawling district are due in local town halls on June 12th.