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LaCivita Redux. McMahon Consultant Joins Stefanowski Campaign.

Republican warrior Chris LaCivita has joined the Bob for Governor campaign. The Virginia Campaign guru will serve as General consultant to the Stefanowski campaign.

LaCivita is familiar with Connecticut politics. He served as general consultant to Linda McMahon’s 2012 unsuccessful campaign for the U.S. Senate, her second. McMahon turned her generous support of loathsome demagogue Donald Trump into a minor position in his cabinet.

LaCivita and Stefanowski provide a start contrast in political interest and philosophy. LaCivita has spent more than a quarter century in politics. Stefanowski declined to cast a ballot in elections for 16 consecutive years of the 21st century, though he did make a maximum contribution to former U.S. Senator Christopher J. Dodd.

LaCivita gained national renown among politicos when he masterminded the 2014 campaign comeback of Kansas incumbent U.S. Senator Pat Roberts. The marine veteran spent the 2016 campaign cycle on Rand Paul’s campaigns.

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