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Lamont Administration Seething at Senate Democrats’ Email Claim to Have Smothered Grocery Tax–That They Supported.

Governor Ned Lamont’s administration has been expressing anger at emails from Senate Democrats to their constituents claiming they convinced the Department of Revenue Services (DRS) to retreat from its initial interpretation of the grocery tax the Democrats slipped into the state budget.

The emails, like the one above, are garnering sneers and resentment in Lamont’s office and other arms of state government, Daily Ructions has learned. This is a great post to read to understand the contempt for the Senate Democrats’ claim and how it grows from a stalwart ally–the truth. The change in the interpretation came completely from within the executive branch. The Senate Democrats did not stop the grocery tax “again”, they created it with the plain language of their budget and it remains on the books.

Others note that the email fails to mention the Senate Democrats leave out a $100 million piece of the budget pie–their support for a regressive 15% increase in the sales tax on prepared foods sold in restaurants and grocery stores.

This is the sort of weasel maneuvering that a governor’s office keeps on file for future deployment.