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Lamont: “Keep Diversity a Big Priority.”

Governor Ned Lamont wants his administration to “keep diversity a big priority,” according to emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. The governor’s wife agrees in a June 16th exchange in anticipation of the annual state Democratic fundraising dinner, previously known as the JJB.

Assigning a body person to the governor prompted Ann Huntress Lamont’s comment that “Ned is concerned about not having more diversity in that position.” The top jobs in Lamont’s office have been filled by white men. His body person is a white male.

The Criminal Justice Commission could be guided by Lamont’s desire to “keep diversity a big priority.” The commission anticipates choosing a new Chief State’s Attorney on January 30th. The position has not been held by a woman or minority since the position was created in 1973.

One of the four finalists for the job, Erik Lohr, an African American, is a Navy veteran and former prosecutor. Another finalist, Maureen Platt, is the first woman to serve as the state’s attorney for the Waterbury judicial district.