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Larson and DeLauro Raise DC Money for Glassman.

They do like their tired horses. Democratic U.S. Representatives John Larson and Rosa DeLauro raised money for perennial candidate Mary Glassman’s 5th Congressional District campaign. U.S. Representative Joe Courtney and professor lobbyist Christopher Dodd (D-Roundstone) were also in attendance, Daily Ructions understands.

Glassman, who has run unsuccessfully for governor and lieutenant governor, faces dynamic Democrat and 2016 national teacher of the year Jahana Hayes in the August 14th primary.

Hayes is supported by U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy. The all-Democratic Connecticut congressional delegation is said to harbor some resentments against Murphy from his fast rise from House to Senate. Larson has been in the House since 1998, DeLauro since 1990. Both have endured many unhappy years in the minority.

Hayes, who grew up in a Waterbury housing project, would be the first black Democrat to serve in Congress from Connecticut. Republican Gary Franks was the first black elected to the House from the state. He served from 1991 to 1997. Glassman is white and from the tony Simsbury.

Hayes has faced and overcome obstacles a lot more formidable than the exclusive instincts of the DC branch of Connecticut’s Democratic insider’s club. Diversity is not its calling card.