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Larson Endorses Guerrera in 9th Senate District Democratic Primary.

U.S. Representative John Larson has endorsed veteran Democratic state Representative Tony Guerrera in the 9th SD August 14th primary. Guerrera, the party-endorsed candidate, faces challenger and House colleague Matthew Lesser, who also considered a bid for secretary of the state this year against incumbent Denise Merrill.

Guerrera, of Rocky Hill, has also received the joint endorsement of the last three Democrats to hold the five-town seat, Richard Balducci, Billy Ciotto and incumbent Paul Doyle. Doyle is not seeking re-election in order to run for attorney general. He’s also on the August 14th primary ballot.

Lesser, Daily Ructions understands, is looking for a big dog fish Democratic endorsement to counter Guerrera’s juggernaut of support from popular party figures. No volunteers so far.