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Lender Column Raises Ethics Issue for Green Bank VP.

A paragraph of Jon Lender’s Courant column on a fractious relationship between former Speaker of the House Brendan Sharkey and a solar energy client may have a longer life than the typical weekly piece. Here’s the operative paragraph:

“[Christopher] Scyocurka [the client] got word of that PURA decision from a third party on June 13, 2018, and immediately emailed Sharkey, his lawyer and others, including Mackey Dykes, vice president of commercial programs at the Connecticut Green Bank, who Scyocurka said brought him and Sharkey together to begin with. “Mackey, you ask me to bring this guy on as a consultant to preserve the ZREC and solar in Ct. and PURA approves gutting the ZREC pricing levels? This is a whole different kind of crazy.”

Dykes’ efforts on behalf of Sharkey, as described by Scyocurka above, may fall under the wide net of Connecticut General Statutes Section 1-84 (l):

(l) No public official or state employee, or any person acting on behalf of a public official or state employee, shall wilfully and knowingly interfere with, influence, direct or solicit existing or new lobbying contracts, agreements or business relationships for or on behalf of any person.

Updates as they become available.