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Leora Levy, Poisonous Fantasist. Fundraising Message Takes Aim at Heroic Liz Cheney.

Poor Leora Levy. The Greenwich Republican has contracted a virulent case of campaign madness. The Republican National Committee member from Connecticut sent an email Wednesday claiming she is running against the next Liz Cheney. If only.

Levy, who in ads highlights her own immigrant roots while disparaging others’, has engaged in rhetoric that she might have called “vulgar and ill-mannered” when she was an active Jeb Bush supporter. Today she wrote in a hyperbolic solicitation:

I am running in a primary against the next Liz Cheney. My primary opponent will abandon Republicans during key votes and supports radical, un-American ideas and Democrat policies because she has before. 
The control of the Senate hangs in the balance and Connecticut is the key to securing the majority for Republicans.
We are going to need more resources to win this race – which is why I am asking for your critical support today.

The reference to the heroic Cheney appears to be a heavy-handed and inapt comparison with Themis Klarides, the party-endorsed candidate for the Senate Levy will face in an August 9th primary. Levy lent $250,000 to her campaign in the early going and paid herself back shortly before the party’s May convention. Levy is said to be apprehensive of an imminent Klarides media buy.

Referring to Klarides, Levy writes in her frenzied message:

“My opponent is campaigning as a Republican, but she supports radical Leftist’s ideas AND she has nearly a quarter million dollars coming into her account from dark money groups after she lied about me and attacked me!” 

Levy concludes,

“My opponent will stop at nothing to defeat me and will be another vote for Democrats in the Senate. We cannot afford to lose with this much at stake.”

Levy appears to have paid no attention to Klarides’s 11 terms in the state House of Representatives and her months as a candidate. Substantial ideas of any sort are rarely associated with Klarides’s decades in politics.

Cheney has emerged in the last 18 months as a tireless defender of freedom under the rule of law, a ferocious protector of the Constitution and the peaceful transfer of power. Those are virtues that now enrage Levy, a refugee from tyranny and beneficiary of liberty.

Published July 6, 2022.