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Leora Levy’s Trouble With Math.

Republican Leora Levy’s bid for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination continues to rely on her biography. The Greenwich Republican highlights her career as a commodities trader—and she has trouble with math.

The Levy campaign made a glaring error in a statement commenting on a WTNH/The Hill/Emerson College poll released Thursday. Levy’s release attributes to her campaign manager a claim she is within the margin of error in a matchup with Democratic incumbent Richard Blumenthal. She’s not. The poll has her trailing Blumenthal by 16 points. The survey of 1,000 Connecticut voters has a margin of error of 3%.

Levy, who had a stronger than expected showing at the Republican state convention two weeks ago, may be eager to raise enough money continue repaying herself the $750,000 loan she made to her campaign, but dodgy math is no way to do it.

Levy faces party-endorsed candidate Themis Klarides and Fairfield lawyer Peter Lumaj in an August 9th primary.

Published May 20, 2022.