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Levy Fails to Make the Cut. Not Included in Top Senate Republican Prospects on Florida Fundraising Tour.

Politico reports Senate Republicans are taking their top candidates on a two-day Florida fundraising tour. Republicans have been put on the back foot by hefty Democratic hauls. The Republicans will appear at events in Naples, Palm Beach and Miami, according to Politico. They expect to raise $3.5 million to be divided among candidates and a party committee.

The candidates selected by the National Republican Senatorial Committee are Adam Laxalt (Nevada), J.D. Vance (Ohio), Mehmet Oz (Pennsylvania), Ted Budd (North Carolina), Joe O’Dea (Colorado), Tiffany Smiley (Washington) and incumbents Marco Rubio (Florida) and Chuck Grassley (Iowa).

Connecticut Republican Senate nominee Leora Levy is not included. Levy told party activists that her national fundraising connections, enhanced by her seat on the Republican National Committee, would provide plenty of money for her campaign to defeat Incumbent Democrat Richard Blumenthal.

On Wednesday, Levy highlighted a prediction from fellow Trump loyalist and Greenwich Republican Larry Kudlow predicting she will be the surprise winner of the nation’s Senate campaigns.

Published September 15, 2022.