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Levy, Frey Blocked From Becoming Co-chairs of State GOP.

Connecticut Republicans’ two national committee members, Leora Levy and John Frey, were blocked from becoming interim chairman and deputy chairman until the 74 members elect leaders for a full term in June. The vacancy occurred when J.R. Romano resigned without warning after announcing in October he would serve the remainder of his term but not seek re-election.

Levy began contacting state central committee members last week to pitch the plan. She and Frey were informed by the party’s national committee lawyers Monday that national party rules prevent committee members from serving as a state party chairman. The interpretation suggests a seed of observing rules has taken root at one of the party’s most Trump-centric organizations.

Assuring party committee members “titles were never the point,” Levy and Grey nevertheless do not want to give up their titles as national committee members to lead the state Republican organization through dire times. Levy was nominated by Donald Trump in 2019 to be the United States ambassador to Chile. The Senate’s failure to confirm Levy and Trump’s defeat by 7 million votes in November doomed the Greenwich Republican’s prospects. Frey declined to seek re-election to the state House of Representative in 2020, two years after a close call.