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Linda Schofield: Witness for the Prosecution.

Retiring Simsbury Democratic state Representative Linda Schofield uses an opinion piece restating her support for 5th District Democrat Elizabeth Esty in a local paper to settle some scores with Speaker of the House Christopher Donovan.  Schofield sounds like she was driven from office by the hardball tactics of Donovan and staffers working for the House Democrats. Schofield declares, “I was the frequent target of Chris Donovan’s vengeance” because she failed to go along with every Democratic proposal. They harassed her in big ways and small ones. Her bills were defeated and emails to constituents delayed. What an ordeal. Schofield sounds surprised that people in politics can be so unpleasant.

Safely off the field of combat, Schofield may now be brave in lifting the veil over the House Democrats. She points out that the same Democrats  (Joshua Nassi and Laura Jordan) who tormented her are now on the FBI’s griddle in the investigation of Donovan’s campaign fundraising practices. Schofield expresses no regret at their reversals of fortune. There was, she suggests, no limit on their authority to carry out Donovan’s orders.

In her full-throated endorsement of Esty, Schofield declines to address the Cheshire Democrat’s solicitation and acceptance of campaign contributions from employees of businesses regulated by husband Daniel Esty, Commissioner of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. That’s a form of hardball Schofield approves.

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