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Logan Highlights Stefanik Endorsement, Looks Forward to Working With Far Right Congresswoman.

Fifth District Republican nominee George Logan thanked U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik (R-NY) for her endorsement Thursday. Stefanik, once a moderate who worked in the George W. Bush administration, has followed her party to the paranoid far right.

Stefanik has adopted the racist “great replacement” theory of extreme politics. The Upstate New York Republican invoked poisonous Q-Anon rhetoric in May when she used Twitter to criticize “The White House, House Dems & usual pedo grifters” for supporting sending baby formula to refugees and immigrants at the nation’s southern border.

Stefanik objected to the certification of electoral college ballots from Pennsylvania on January 6th last year. She planned to object to the certification of electoral votes from other states but insurrectionists intervened, according to a district newspaper. Stefanik voted against the creation of a January 6th commission.

The four-term Republican replaced Representative Liz Cheney last year as the third-ranking House Republican leader. On a voice vote, House Republicans ousted Cheney for refusing to ignore Donald Trump’s role in the January 6th invasion of the Capitol by Trump supporters.

Logan told the CT Mirror when he announced his candidacy that he did not object to Cheney’s removal. The former state senator has described himself as a moderate Republican. Logan declared in his tweet that he is “looking forward to working with Rep. Stefanik to help deliver much needed change in Washington!” That alliance puts Logan far outside the mainstream of 5th District voters. It is an endorsement alert that Logan may not have intended.

Published June 3, 2022.