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Mariano to Face Rare Probate Discipline Hearing.

Naugatuck Probate Judge Peter Mariano faces a hearing before the Council on Probate Judicial Conduct this Friday, July 8th. The rare hearing is in response to a complaint initiated by Judge Beverly Streit-Kefalas, the Probate Court Administrator. The hearing follows a finding of probable cause by the Council on Probate Judicial Conduct after reviewing Judge Streit-Kefalas’s complaint.

Mariano was arrested four times in 2021 on charges of driving under the influence and driving while his license was suspended. The five-term incumbent was sentenced to four days in prison. Mariano’s pleas agreement included suspended sentences and 18 months of probation.

Republican delegates to their May nominating convention nominated state Representative Rosa Rebimbas as their endorsed candidate in the district’s four towns. Mariano is challenging Rebimbas in an August 9th primary. The district’s Democratic delegates nominated Mariano as their candidate in November.

Mariano’s authority to practice law was placed on inactive status in April 2021. His February 2022 Application for Reinstatement to practice law remains pending before the Superior Court.

Published July 6, 2022.