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Mathus Was Schumer Donor.

Connecticut Republican chairman hopeful David Mathus supported New York Democrat Charles Schumer in his 1998 bid for the United States Senate. Schumer defeated three term incumbent Alfonse D’Amato in a ferocious battle. Mathus donated $500 to the Schumer campaign.

Mathus, 60, has contributed to Republicans, including the presidential campaigns of John McCain, Mitt Romney, Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.

The Darien Republican has launched a website, BoldCTGOP.com, to set out his stall for the June contest to lead a party that lost considerable influence in managing the affairs of Connecticut in an anti-Trump suburban rout. Mathus may face incumbent J.R. Romano. Former party chair Dick Foley is also in the race.

The vulgarian Trumps were generous contributors to Schumer before they set out to destroy democratic norms via the Republican Party.