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More Marzullo: J. Crew Has Video.

Greenwich selectman and Democratic lieutenant governor hopeful Drew Marzullo (aka Joseph Andrew Marzullo) does not want to talk about his August 16th Clinton Crossing arrest for 5th degree larceny. In announcing his silence, the ambitious Democrat calls it an alleged incident.

The Clinton police report of Marzullo’s arrest makes it clear why he prefers silence to an explanation before Greenwich voters go to the polls in November. Marzullo, according to the report based on several witness accounts, engaged in repeated acts of stuffing merchandise into aan off-white canvas Black Dog bag with orange trim and taking the items to his new Lexus in the Clinton Crossing parking lot. The police report confirms there is video of Marzullo in J.Crew lifting the goods, sometimes by stuffing them in the bag, other times carrying them out in his hands.

The unemployed Marzullo at first denied taking the 26 articles of clothing that police found strewn in his car. After he was taken into custody, Marzullo admitted he’d lied to police when he said someone else had put the loot in his car.

Since Marzullo refuses to heed the call of local Democratic party leaders and get off the November ballot, he ought to obtain the J. Crew video and release it to the public before Greenwich voters go to the polls. Greenwich Republicans ought to join in a bipartisan call for the public to be allowed to see what happened at Clinton Crossing on the day of Marzullo’s “alleged incident.”

Curiously, the voices of state Democratic leaders have been oddly stilled, too. They may be worried that if they condemn a bizarre shoplifting scheme they will have no way to ignore the major corruption conviction of one of their candidates for governor.