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Newington Democrats Condemn Republican Michael Camillo’s Facebook Posts. He Denies They Are His.

Newington Democratic Town Committee condemned nine Facebook posts that appeared on Republican state legislative candidate Michael Camillo’s social media account. DTC Vice Chair Rob Rioux condemned the nine posts as “racist, homophobic, xenophobic, and otherwise hateful and inflammatory….” They are also Islamophobic and virulently hostile to immigration. One claims that the polio vaccine gave 90 million people cancer. The quote attributed to U.S. Senator Ted Cruz is fake.

Camillo, who was elected to Newington’s town council last fall, denies the texts are his. Asked by Daily Ructions if he posted or shared the posts, which were provided by Rioux, Camillo replied, “The answer is no but you’re more than welcome to come visit me and have a cup of coffee and I can show you my computer and you can get to meet me you will be pleasantly surprised we went through this the last election.”

Camillo declined to elaborate. He faces incumbent Democrat Gary Turco in November.