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Notes from a Divorce: Bergstein Fights War on Privilege from Enemy Headquarters. $20k in Cash Gone from Marital Home Safe.

We bewail the vexing troubles of the rich. Such burdens they lug around in their Teslas. The tale is told in vivid detail in a May 10th court filing (excerpts posted above) by state Senator Alexandra Bergstein (D-Greenwich), refuting claims of her defendant husband, Seth Bergstein, about her spending marital assets.

Alexandra Bergstein declared at Wesleyan University recently that is she now free to fight a war on privilege. Perhaps it was that $20,000 in cash that went missing from the safe in the marital home. Mrs. Bergstein accuses Mr. Bergstein of taking it. She is aggrieved.

Mr. Bergstein spent $47,000 on tickets at Madison Square Garden. The rich have to be many places. She is aggrieved.

Then there was the check to the Adirondack League Club. She accuses him of tearing it up when a fee was due to the tony 53,000 acre elite club. How could he do that when he had just joined the Harmonie Club, New York’s second oldest social club? He already belongs to five social clubs. She is aggrieved.

To pay $5,000 a month to rent a place to live is a mere bagatelle for Alexandra Bergstein, and Seth Bergstein should not be complaining, don’t you know. She is no longer surrounded by the furnishings, artwork and other luxuries to which she became accustomed during what she characterizes in her public motion as a loveless marriage for the past 15 years. She is aggrieved.

Bergstein’s war on privilege is an erratic affair. Her office is on the second floor of the Legislative Office Building (LOB), which is the ground floor of the east side of the building. There is a heat vent outside the building near Bergstein’s office. It has been there for many years. A woman who appeared to be homeless would stand there, near the exit from I-84, to warm herself during the winter. Alexandra Bergstein objected. She complained to the Capitol police. The privilege warrior wanted the woman removed and her own security increased, Daily Ructions has learned from multiple sources. Her requests were denied because the poor are allowed to seek warmth in public places to which have sadly had become accustomed. They are aggrieved.

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