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NY Lawyer and Federalist Society Favorite Moves into Contention for 2nd Circuit Spot.

New York lawyer Joseph DeMarco is on a shortlist for a Connecticut vacancy on the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. DeMarco practices law in New York and has owned residential real estate in both New York and Greenwich, Connecticut.

DeMarco possesses only gossamer ties to Connecticut’s legal community. He was admitted to practice in the Constitution State in 2017, indicating he had an eye on a court appointment in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s 2016 upset victory. The Second Circuit opening was created by the retirement of Judge Christopher Droney, a popular Connecticut native. If DeMarco were to replace Droney, there would be just two of the thirteen judges on the influential court from Connecticut judges, Judge Jose Cabranes and Judge Susan Carney.

DeMarco is a favorite of the conservative Federalist Society, which appears willing to snatch a seat away from Connecticut to insert an ideologically acceptable New Yorker onto the court. DeMarco appears to have no law office in Connecticut.

The Second Circuit is comprised of Connecticut, New York and Vermont.