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Ordered to Appear. Aresimowicz Drafts Lobbyists to Knock on Doors and Drink Cold Beer in His District.

This is what panic looks like. Speaker of the House Joseph Aresimowicz is drafting lobbyists to head for his Berlin district October 7th to knock on doors. Members of the permanent government will receive their assignments at noon, campaign until 4 p.m., and then drink beer at Sliders while watching football and assuring Aresimowicz everything is fine, just fine.

When the lobbyist army completes its assignment, it will gather for alcohol and football. This may not be the best week for a campaign to highlight the consumption of beer by a high ranking public official.

Aresimowicz relied on union members to hit the ground in his too-close-for-comfort 2016 race. Prizes were offered to attract volunteers. Presiding over crumbling state finances may be making it harder for the union employee and speaker to re-sign local recruits.

The summons to campaign came from Aresimowicz spokeswoman Elizabeth Connelly, who helpfully included the names of all recipients in the message.