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Ouch: Logan Backs Gray Over Linares. Urges Senate Colleague to Abandon Primary Bid.

This has to sting. Popular Republican state Senator George Logan announced Friday that he is supporting Thaddeus Gray, the party-endorsed candidate for state treasurer. The coveted Logan endorsement includes a call for challenger state Senator Art Linares to drop his challenge to Gray in the August 12th primary in the interest of party unity.

Here’s the Logan endorsement announcement from the Gray campaign:

State Senator George Logan, R-Ansonia, has endorsed Thad Gray, the Republican endorsed candidate for State Treasurer, saying the former investment executive is “the most qualified candidate to help lead our state out of debt and into prosperity.”
“Thad Gray knows what needs to be done in Hartford and he will bring more expertise and success to that office than any candidate who has recently run for State Treasurer,” said Logan. “Thad will help Republicans in the executive and legislative branches bring order and avoid many of the mistakes that have led our state to unconscionable debt, higher taxes and credit downgrades. Thad is ready and poised to help take Connecticut in a new direction,” stated Logan.
He said both Gray and State Senator Art Linares, R-Westbrook, conducted extensive statewide campaigns heading into the nominating convention, where the party came together to choose its candidate.  Logan said Sen. Linares has every right to pursue a primary, but hoped he would reconsider for the sake of Party unity.
“Senator Logan is a rising star who has quickly earned the respect of his peers on both sides of the aisle, as well as Democrats from his district, for his thoughtfulness and integrity. Senator Logan understands the reforms we need, and that having the best people working on behalf of the people of Connecticut should be our top priority. I look forward to winning this fall and working with him and other members of the State Senate to return prosperity to our state,” said Gray.

The Democrats also face a primary for treasurer. Hartford Democrat Shawn Wooden won a second ballot endorsement at the party’s May 19th convention. Greenwich Democrat Dita Bhargava has signaled her intention to pursue a primary. Arunan Arampalam, also a Hartford Democrat, withdrew from the field of battle Tuesday.