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Ann Brookes Running for LG.

Westbrook Republican Ann Brookes chose a Lisbon Republican Town Committee meeting Tuesday to announce her candidacy for lieutenant governor. Brooks made a brief run for the Republican nomination for U.S. Representative in Connecticut’s 2nd Congressional District. She lost to perennial candidate Daria Novak–and not many people can say that.

Brooks was an alternate to the 2016 Republican convention. The one that nominated Donald Trump. Here’s the biography she provided for that convention.

Ann is a self-employed LL.M. tax attorney who resolves matters with the IRS for individuals and small businesses, and she consults with US and foreign companies who seek private and governmental project partnerships, often in infrastructure development overseas. A Connecticut native, she was raised in Glastonbury. Her father, who was a social studies teacher, not only showed her love of America but also inspired her fervor for politics. As a high school student Ann interned for the Connecticut Senate Republican Caucus and registered as a Republican at 17 years old. She is a member of the DAR with a New England heritage that dates back to Colonial America.

She is a former figure skater and now volunteers regularly and supports the dog rescue efforts of both Shaggy Dog Rescue and Rescue Road Trips. It is common to see her walking rescue dogs when their transport truck makes its rest stop in Connecticut. You can see this on FB and Twitter @AnnBrookesCT

Ann holds a B.A. from Wheaton College (Norton, MA) and law degrees from Western New England College and Villanova University. She is a Red Sox fan, travels internationally extensively, and lives in the tranquil Connecticut shore town of Westbrook with her 2 dogs Henry and Pippa. It is with great pride that she attends this, her first, National Convention.

Expect more candidates to eye the second spot on the ticket as each gubernatorial hopeful searches for a running mate who can raise $75,000 in small contributions to qualify for a generous public financing grant next spring.

December 13, 2017   9:25 am   Comments Off on Ann Brookes Running for LG.

Linehan’s Strep Throat Appeal.

Freshman state Representative Liz Linehan (D-Cheshire), Dan Drew’s running mate, has been a failure at fundraising in the early going. If Saturday’s appeal to mark the 23rd anniversary of a “freak illness” striking her works, expect more of this. Because  nothing is beyond exploiting in the business of raising money to qualify for the state’s generous public financing program, Linehan is looking for $23 from each of her marks.

Linehan may want to go easy on the death analogies as an approaching unhappy end stalks her campaign with Drew.

December 10, 2017   8:46 am   Comments Off on Linehan’s Strep Throat Appeal.

Update: Bronin Declines to Apologize to Subordinates for Fundraising Squeeze. Malloy’s Boy Has Campaign Manager Issue Statement.

Luke Bronin ducked apologizing to scores of Hartford city government employees for sending a campaign fundraising solicitation to city email addresses. Instead, Malloy’s Boy had his campaign manager, Conor Hurley, send an email to the targeted subordinates, letting them know they would receive no more communications in that manner.

The employees should be hearing from the one with the power to retaliate if they decline to contribute to their boss’s campaign, not his functionary and the treasurer of his political action committee.

December 8, 2017   4:23 pm   Comments Off on Update: Bronin Declines to Apologize to Subordinates for Fundraising Squeeze. Malloy’s Boy Has Campaign Manager Issue Statement.

Obsitnik Confronts the Fire in Greenwich.

It may be the essential virtue in Connecticut’s next governor: run toward the danger. Republican Steve Obsitnik was speaking to a holiday campaign gathering at a supporter’s Greenwich home in tony Field Point Circle.

As Obsitnik was making his pitch, according to witnesses, smoke from the basement began to fill the rooms of the house. As baffled guests began to evacuate the house, Obsitnik found a fire extinguisher, jumped over some furniture, and ran to the basement to confront the fire until the Greenwich firefighters arrived.

December 7, 2017   9:14 pm   Comments Off on Obsitnik Confronts the Fire in Greenwich.

Malloy’s Boy, Indeed. Bronin Sends Fundraising Message to City Email Accounts.

Luke Bronin came tumbling out of the starting gate on the first day of his exploratory campaign for governor. The Hartford mayor began his fundraising efforts with emails sent to city employees at their city email accounts, Daily Ructions can report.

The Bronin email pledges to do what he was unable to accomplish as a longtime member of mentor Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s inner circle, “put forward a strong vision for economic growth and opportunity.” The appeal concludes with an oversized link to contribute to Bronin’s committee.

Middletown Mayor Dan Drew attracted unwelcome and intense scrutiny for sending contribution requests to city employees after obtaining their home addresses from the city’s human resource office.

December 7, 2017   6:27 pm   Comments Off on Malloy’s Boy, Indeed. Bronin Sends Fundraising Message to City Email Accounts.

Doyle to Explore AG Race. Scramble Begins for Senate Seat.

State Senator Paul Doyle (D-Wethersfield), who stunned the legislature in September with a decisive vote for a Republican budget, will explore a statewide race for attorney general. Doyle will have no trouble meeting the Bysiewicz Rule that has vexed other aspirants. Doyle has been in active diverse practice of law in Connecticut for far more than 10 years. Doyle is in his sixth term representing the 9th Senate District. He serves with likely AG rival Willian Tong as co-chair of the legislature’s influential judiciary committee.

Doyle has served in the legislature since 1994.

Doyle’s 5-town seat would be a prize and could open some House seats within the district.

December 7, 2017   12:40 pm   Comments Off on Doyle to Explore AG Race. Scramble Begins for Senate Seat.

Roy Moore, RNC and Connecticut’s Two Members.

The Republican National Committee has resumed its support of accused child molester Roy Moore. This is a disturbing development in a campaign full of unseemly revelations about Moore.

Daily Ructions asked Connecticut’s two RNC members, Leora Levy and state Representative John Frey if they object.

The email inquiry sent Wednesday morning at 9 a.m.: “Do you support the RNC’s decision to assist Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore in the final days before the special election? If not, how have you made your disagreement known to the RNC leadership?”

Leora Levy responded: “Today I am eternally grateful to President Trump for recognizing Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel.
Re Alabama, I  supported Luther Strange in the primary. That speaks for itself.”

John Frey replied: I was relieved and very supportive when – last month – the RNC withdrew support of Moore. It was an action that I had encouraged.
I believe the victims and wouldn’t commit any resources if it were up to me. I find this turnabout very disappointing. I let my feelings known to the RNC Chairwoman. In speaking with a few other members so far, I’m not alone in my displeasure.” (Punctuation added for clarity.)


December 6, 2017   3:29 pm   Comments Off on Roy Moore, RNC and Connecticut’s Two Members.

That Mark Bertolini Payout. Worries About Income Inequality Vanish.

Aetna CEO Mark Bertolini made a show of pressing Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” upon his subordinates. The yoga and mindfulness guru must have skipped some of the chapters in that indictment of income equality. Bertolini’s reported to be in line for a $500 million payday in the CVS purchase of Aetna, adding to income equality across the nation.

We await comment from Piketty, though we expect it would start with “zut alors!”

December 5, 2017   3:35 pm   Comments Off on That Mark Bertolini Payout. Worries About Income Inequality Vanish.

Ella Fitzgerald Reveals the Secret of Christmas.

December 5, 2017   2:36 pm   Comments Off on Ella Fitzgerald Reveals the Secret of Christmas.

Stefanowski Unveils Economic Plan. Has Some Trouble Explaining It.

Bob Stefanowski was in Hartford Monday to discuss Connecticut’s economy and his plan to revive it. The Madison Republican would eliminate the income, corporate, and estate and gift taxes. The economy would thrive, he believes. Stefanowski had some trouble explaining how the state would continue to pay for public services–even reduced ones–without a mechanism to tax a growing economy other than the sales tax. Stefanowski would not raise the sales tax, relying on its current 6.35% rate as the driver to fund $20 billion in state services.

Stefanowski, who was a Democrat when the year began, puts a premium on symbolism. The corporate tax will be the first to go and, he asserted, that will send a message that Connecticut “is open for business.”

You can learn more about the plan on BobforGovernor.com.

Economist Arthur Laffer also spoke, devoting most of his time to singing the praises of Tennessee.


December 5, 2017   10:07 am   Comments Off on Stefanowski Unveils Economic Plan. Has Some Trouble Explaining It.