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Rep. D’Agostino Testing Run for Attorney General.

State Representative Mike D’Agostino (D-Hamden) has spent the day letting fellow Democrats know he is interested in making a bid for attorney general. D’Agostino was elected to the legislature in 2012 and has been an advocate of the ruinous 2017 SEBAC agreement that will punish Connecticut residents for many years as the state continues to lose jobs and workers.

November 27, 2017   4:37 pm   Comments Off on Rep. D’Agostino Testing Run for Attorney General.

Harris Looking at AG Race.

That didn’t take long. West Hartford Democrat Jonathan Harris is making calls to determine if he might shutdown his exploratory committee for governor and begin a more realistic race for attorney general. Harris is the former executive director of the state Democratic organization whose 2014 campaign emails the party paid $325,ooo to keep secret.

Popular former West Hartford mayor Scott Slifka would make a more formidable candidate than Harris and might be able to deny him critical support at home.

November 27, 2017   12:09 pm   Comments Off on Harris Looking at AG Race.

Roiled: Jepsen Will Not Seek Third Term. Melee to Follow.

Attorney General George Jepsen will not seek a third four-year term. Jepsen informed office colleagues in an email this morning. The West Hartford Democrat’s decision will ignite a ferocious race to succeed him, particularly among Democrats.

Watch for Stamford Democrat William Tong to make a quick entry into the race. The open field could also allow gubernatorial exploring candidate Christopher Mattei to make a graceful segue into a race in which his chance of winning improves.

November 27, 2017   11:05 am   Comments Off on Roiled: Jepsen Will Not Seek Third Term. Melee to Follow.

Be Afraid: Freeloader Farriker Raising Money for Blankley.

Frank Farriker, who earlier this year, he paid $11, 318 to settle an embarrassing complaint by the Office of State Ethics over dinging taxpayers for cable, cellphone and internet service, is holding a fundraiser for exploring Democratic John Blankley. Farriker, a Greenwich Democrat, paid $6,318 in reimbursements and a $5,000 fine. Blankley is exploring a race for Connecticut treasurer.

Blankley is one of the candidate in the Vinci Group’s thin stable of campaigns. A Greenwich Democrat who came to the United States from Britain in the early 1980s, Blankley ran a losing race against popular state Senator Scott Frantz last year.

November 17, 2017   5:04 pm   Comments Off on Be Afraid: Freeloader Farriker Raising Money for Blankley.

Tong: Not Treasurer, Governor.

He’s run for the legislature, U.S. Senator, and mayor of Stamford. William Tong has become a chronic candidate in the Bysiewicz mode. The Stamford Democrat has been sniffing around a race for State Treasurer for months. That’s a no-go, Daily Ructions readers. Brace yourselves, Balloon Boy will be seeking the Democratic nomination for governor, just two years after a humiliating loss in the Democratic primary for mayor. Even the formidable local Malloy machine couldn’t drag Tong across the finish line first.

Tong has not had shown a steady grip on his Stamford legislative district in the past few years. A race for governor may be a way to avoid a loss for re-election next year for the elite prep school graduate.

November 17, 2017   4:31 pm   Comments Off on Tong: Not Treasurer, Governor.

Enter Guy L. Smith IV. Retired Diageo Executive to Launch Bid for Governor. Others Ponder Entering Wide-Open Field.

The deluge begins. Greenwich Democrat Guy L. Smith IV, retired Diageo executive vice president, will run for governor, Daily Ructions can report.

Smith worked on a Bill Clinton campaign and also in the Clinton White House. He was, according to his Facebook page, a spokesperson for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign.

A native Tennesseean Smith’s first test will be a robust early round of fundraising. He has begun assembling a team of campaign staffers and consultants.

Watch for William Tong, who ran unsuccessful races for the U.S. Senate and mayor of Stamford, to to get into the race. Democrat Tong has had some close calls in his Stamford legislative seat.

Ned Lamont’s name (you remember him) has also been mentioned as a Democratic candidate for governor. Lamont, former member of an all-white Greenwich club, self-funded a memorable 2006 campaign against incumbent U.S. Senator Joseph Lieberman and suffered a 2010 decisive loss to Dannel P. Malloy in the Democratic primary for governor.

November 17, 2017   3:38 pm   Comments Off on Enter Guy L. Smith IV. Retired Diageo Executive to Launch Bid for Governor. Others Ponder Entering Wide-Open Field.

She’s Out. Wyman Announcement Expected at 2 pm. Malloy Failures Would Doom Campaign.

Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman is expected to announce today at 2 p.m. that she will not seek the Democratic nomination for governor. Wyman has been consulting widely with fellow Democrats on whether to run. Opinion, Daily Ructions can report, ran decisively against a bid once Wyman expanded her circle of advisors. The male careerist inner circle’s self-interests in urging a campaign on Wyman was overwhelmed by more clear-eyed well-wishers.

Courtesy calls are being made Thursday morning in anticipation of the afternoon announcement.

The Democratic field is likely to expand in the aftermath of Wymn’s announcement.

November 16, 2017   9:56 am   Comments Off on She’s Out. Wyman Announcement Expected at 2 pm. Malloy Failures Would Doom Campaign.

Zero: Where Dan Drew Started His Race for Governor.

More bad news for Democrat Dan Drew. He had to go back to zero. The Middletown mayor ended his exploratory committee and became a candidate for governor in July. For most candidates that transition includes carrying forward a bundle of contributions that qualify toward public financing requirements. Republican Steve Obsitnik, for example, reported bringing forward more than $189,000 in qualifying contributions from his exploratory committee to his candidate committee last month.

Drew reported to the State Elections Enforcement Commission this week that he will carry forward zero contributions. Drew has had to start again in the race to reaching $250,000 to qualify for deficit-ridden Connecticut’s generous public financing program. That is a heavy lift for a campaign that has had weeks of trouble over murky campaign finance activities and puts him far behind his Democratic rivals.

November 15, 2017   7:53 am   Comments Off on Zero: Where Dan Drew Started His Race for Governor.

Those Pesky Campaign Finance Rules. Harris Returns Lobbyist Contributions Received During Special Session.

Jonathan Harris has learned all the wrong lessons from the $325,000 settlement (known in common parlance as a fine) state Democrats paid to the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC) to keep his 2014 campaign emails and other documents secret. The West Hartford Democrat and former Malloy administration official returned dozens of lobbyist contributions last quarter because he received them during the legislative session when the law precludes lobbyists from donating to campaigns.

Harris, who is struggling to raise money for his lethargic effort, told the verboten donors that his exploratory campaign had received the dough after the Senate had called itself into special session, but before the House of Representatives had done the same. Out of that old abundance of caution, which was not in evidence in 2014 when Harris was running that state Democratic Party organization, Harris sent the money back. His third quarter report is rife with “REF” notations for the lobbyist refunds.

Harris is not the first Democrat eyeing the governor’s race. Rival and former election violation prosecutor Chris Mattei, a Hartford Democrat whose exploratory effort is stepping on twenty Bronin toes, has also had some trouble with basic fundraising rules.

November 13, 2017   9:00 am   Comments Off on Those Pesky Campaign Finance Rules. Harris Returns Lobbyist Contributions Received During Special Session.

Sherman Surprise: New First Selectman Filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in September.

What an autumn for Donald T. Lowe. The Sherman Democrat filed for bankruptcy on September 29th while he was a candidate for first selectman. On Tuesday, Sherman defeated Republican incumbent Clay Cope to lead the tony Fairfield County burg.

Voters were not aware of Lowe’s parlous finances. Lowe said nothing of his filing with his wife, Mary Ann Lamb. Republicans made no issue of it, probably because they were unaware. Candidate money troubles were an issue in a couple of other towns in the region.

Sherman residents may discover that transparency is not a hallmark of Lowe’s tenure.

November 13, 2017   8:49 am   Comments Off on Sherman Surprise: New First Selectman Filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in September.