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UConn College Democrats, Gayle Slossberg and the N-Word.

A statement from the UConn College Democrats on state Senator Gayle Slossberg’s use of the N-word at her October 3rd meeting with the group.

October 12, 2017   6:15 am   Comments Off on UConn College Democrats, Gayle Slossberg and the N-Word.

Lacking Impulse Control: David Walker Cannot Resist Forays into Comment Sections.

On-again-off-again Republican David Walker cannot turn away from the siren call of an internet comments section. The thin-skinned Jacksonville University accounting graduate is at it again. He was online mewling about a third quarter fundraising story by CT Newsjunkie editor Christine Stuart. Here’s a link to the story. Walker disputed the characterization of his fundraising, which includes contributions from both Walker’s exploratory and candidate committees. He quickly gets a tone, which will be no surprise to anyone who pays attention to Connecticut politics.

Readers will recall Walker’s pledge, made in the comments section of Only in Bridgeport, to leave Connecticut if Tom Foley was not elected in 2014. A promise broken. Pity.

Walker, who has mentioned more than once his membership in the Sons of the American Revolution and his wife’s in the Daughters of the American Revolution (the women who in 1939 refused to let Marian Anderson sing at Constitution Hall because the great soprano was black), is very sensitive about titles.

October 11, 2017   4:45 pm   Comments Off on Lacking Impulse Control: David Walker Cannot Resist Forays into Comment Sections.

Post Card Exposes Ken Cockayne.

Ken Cockayne, the mayor of Bristol, has dodged, acknowledged, and apologized for his treatment of a municipal employee. The ongoing scandal has been costly to the town and often shrouded in mystery. It has been an expensive embarrassment for Bristol. A lawsuit by an employee alleging harassment and retaliation by Cockayne was filed in June by corporation counsel legal secretary Noelle Bates.

Cockayne’s behavior was bound to be an important issue as he seeks a third term in this fall’s municipal election. The post card above has been appearing in local mailboxes. It does not include the mandatory disclaimer indicating who paid for it, but local voters may overlook that as they are caught by its incendiary form.

Cockayne should not be surprised that this is what he has wrought for Bristol.

October 11, 2017   10:28 am   Comments Off on Post Card Exposes Ken Cockayne.

David Stemerman is Serious. Donates $1.8 Million to Campaign for Governor.

No one should doubt how serious rookie Greenwich Republican David  Stemerman is about his bid for governor. The hedge fund honcho donated $1.8 million to his nascent campaign for the state’s top job, according to his first campaign finance report. It’s not a Linda McMahon size deposit to campaign coffers but it’s a big start in a race in which other candidates spending their days and nights chasing $100 donations. Candidates whose dreams are filled by visions of hitting the $250,000 mark.

Now Stemerman has to show he knows how to do more than write a fat check.

Stemerman did receive one contribution that has wags snickering. It was $1,000 from his treasurer, Henry Schaffer, of Trumbull. Yes, Trumbull.

October 10, 2017   9:33 pm   Comments Off on David Stemerman is Serious. Donates $1.8 Million to Campaign for Governor.

Handler Raises $114,000 in 79 Days.

Fairfield County Republican Mike Handler raised $114,000 in small contributions that his campaign says qualify under the state’s public financing program for generous grants. Handler, whose spokesman is veteran Republican Chris Cooper, is Stamford’s chief financial officer.

This is a fast start that will catch the attention of Republicans assessing the crowded field of candidates.

October 10, 2017   8:02 am   Comments Off on Handler Raises $114,000 in 79 Days.

Themis Klarides’ Terrible Timing.


State Representative Themis Klarides (R-Derby) chose last Saturday, September 30th, to try to ingratiate herself with member of CCDL, many of whose members are devoted to the proliferation of semi-automatic weapons.

October 7, 2017   12:34 pm   Comments Off on Themis Klarides’ Terrible Timing.

Srinivasan Touts Hometown Endorsement. Wins it 16-4.

It took calls to some reluctant local Republican town committee members, but gubernatorial hopeful Prasad Srinivasan won the endorsement of the Glastonbury town committee this week. The vote, which was not mentioned in the candidate’s press release, was 16 in favor of the endorsement, 4 opposed. Srinivasan, as others have noted, struggles with the credible details on the state’s economy that people expect a candidate to be nimble in explaining, even extolling. Like rival Steve Obsitnik has started to do.

Even locals have been stumped on what accomplishments in the four terms in the legislature the Glastonbury allergist will be able to highlight to distinguish himself in a crowded field.

Srinivasan, who claims to be a fiscal conservative, is the first candidate to have raised the $250,000 in small contributions necessary to qualify for public financing of his campaign. Promising doctors you will raise Medicaid reimbursement rates and limit the consequences of medical negligence will send a lot of contributions over the transom from people with MD at the end of their name.

Here’s Srinivasan’s endorsement announcement:

Glastonbury, CT (October 5, 2017) — Dr. Prasad Srinivasan, candidate for Governor, announced that his campaign has been endorsed by the Glastonbury Republican Town Committee.
“I am excited by the tremendous show of support from the Glastonbury RTC, endorsing my candidacy for Governor. I am especially honored and humbled that my first RTC endorsement came from my home town of Glastonbury. Connecticut needs to be revived and made prosperous. Together, we can.”
Dr. Srinivasan is a four-time State Representative from Glastonbury. A practicing physician in Greater Hartford, Dr. Srinivasan has been elected to office by overwhelming margins ranging from twelve to thirty-five points. Dr. Srinivasan is an Assistant Republican Leader in the State House of Representatives who currently serves as the Ranking Member of the legislature’s Public Health Committee, and also serves on the Judiciary and Environmental Committees.

October 6, 2017   3:14 pm   Comments Off on Srinivasan Touts Hometown Endorsement. Wins it 16-4.

More Marzullo: J. Crew Has Video.

Greenwich selectman and Democratic lieutenant governor hopeful Drew Marzullo (aka Joseph Andrew Marzullo) does not want to talk about his August 16th Clinton Crossing arrest for 5th degree larceny. In announcing his silence, the ambitious Democrat calls it an alleged incident.

The Clinton police report of Marzullo’s arrest makes it clear why he prefers silence to an explanation before Greenwich voters go to the polls in November. Marzullo, according to the report based on several witness accounts, engaged in repeated acts of stuffing merchandise into aan off-white canvas Black Dog bag with orange trim and taking the items to his new Lexus in the Clinton Crossing parking lot. The police report confirms there is video of Marzullo in J.Crew lifting the goods, sometimes by stuffing them in the bag, other times carrying them out in his hands.

The unemployed Marzullo at first denied taking the 26 articles of clothing that police found strewn in his car. After he was taken into custody, Marzullo admitted he’d lied to police when he said someone else had put the loot in his car.

Since Marzullo refuses to heed the call of local Democratic party leaders and get off the November ballot, he ought to obtain the J. Crew video and release it to the public before Greenwich voters go to the polls. Greenwich Republicans ought to join in a bipartisan call for the public to be allowed to see what happened at Clinton Crossing on the day of Marzullo’s “alleged incident.”

Curiously, the voices of state Democratic leaders have been oddly stilled, too. They may be worried that if they condemn a bizarre shoplifting scheme they will have no way to ignore the major corruption conviction of one of their candidates for governor.

October 6, 2017   9:20 am   Comments Off on More Marzullo: J. Crew Has Video.

Murphy Raises Campaign Money Off Las Vegas Carnage. Cloaks Appeal in Gun Control Groups.


If a politician is going to try to raise money off the dead and wounded of the Las Vegas slaughter only hours after the attack, be honest about it. U.S. Senator Christopher Murphy wants the money but wrapped his fundraising appeal in a deceptive request of support for gun control advocates.

Murphy’s Monday email sought contributions for Americans for Responsible Solutions PAC, Everytown and Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. When supporters clicked through to the Act Blue donation site, there was a fourth organization splitting contributions, Murphy’s re-election campaign.

If you cannot resist the compulsion to raise money for your re-election as the dead are being identified, just do it. Don’t cloak your grimy impulses behind other groups on a solemn day.

October 4, 2017   8:52 am   Comments Off on Murphy Raises Campaign Money Off Las Vegas Carnage. Cloaks Appeal in Gun Control Groups.

Marzullo’s Haul. Greenwich Democrat Admitted Taking Five Finger Discount, According to Clinton Police.


When Greenwich board of selectman member Drew Marzullo (aka Joseph Andrew Marzullo) was arrested for shoplifting in Clinton, Connecticut on August 26th, he had 25 items in his Blackdog tote bag and no evidence he’d paid for any of them. The Democratic lieutenant governor hopeful and candidate for re-election in Greenwich this fall is accused of of stealing merchandise from the J. Crew and Sketchers stores and the popular Clinton Crossing outlets.

The Clinton police report states that Marzullo at first denied taking more than $600 in clothing items. He became emotional and admitted he’d taken the goods and apologized for lying to police, who had been called to the scene by a J. Crew employee.

Marzullo has declined to comment on what he calls an “alleged incident” and may hope postponing the resolution of the matter until after this November’s municipal election will help him get past the finish line in tony Greenwich.

The ambitious Democrat told police, the arrest report states, that he did not know why he had stolen the clothes (pictures of which are above) when he could have purchased them.

September 28, 2017   5:29 pm   Comments Off on Marzullo’s Haul. Greenwich Democrat Admitted Taking Five Finger Discount, According to Clinton Police.