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State Still Figuring Out Furloughs for Retiring State Employs.

An email today:

Good morning,

We have just received a notification from the Office of Labor Relations regarding furlough days for October Retirees.  If those who will retire effective October 1, 2017, have not yet taken three days, please be advised they will only be responsible for one (1) furlough day before retirement.  I am awaiting further guidance from OLR as I understand some may have already accounted for more than the one(1)  day.  I will provide updated information just as soon as I receive it.  Thank you for your understanding,

Thank you,

AnneMarie Paone-Mullin, Director of Human Resources

Office of the Chief State’s Attorney

September 15, 2017   3:00 pm   Comments Off on State Still Figuring Out Furloughs for Retiring State Employs.

Deficit? What Deficit? How the Democrats Spend $3,000,000.

From Section 252 of proposed state budget:

The following amounts appropriated in section 1 of this act to the Judicial Department, for Youth Services Prevention, for each of the fiscal years ending June 30, 2018, and June 30, 2019, shall be made available in each of said fiscal years for the following grants:

$ 45,700 to Stamford YMCA; $ 88,800 to HANDS; $ 113,800 to The Walter E. Luckett, Jr. Foundation; $ 20,700 to Stamford YMCA; $ 88,800 to Take a Chance Foundation; $ 25,000 to Arte, Inc. ; $ 20,700 to Bregamos Theater; $ 49,000 to Computer Center Pope Park; $ 45,000 to Mi Casa; $ 20,000 to Charter Oak Boxing; $ 40,000 to Boys and Girls Club/Chandler Street; $ 35,000 to O. P. M. Ad; $ 25,000 to Family Reentry Organization, Inc. /Transition Mentoring Program; $ 15,000 to CHAMP Community Hands in Action Mentoring Program; $ 30,000 to The Village Initiative Project, Inc. ; $ 14,500 to the Stratford Police Athletic League; $ 35,000 to the Bridgeport Caribe Youth League, Inc. ; $ 15,000 to the United Mentoring Academy, Inc. ; $ 74,500 to the Human Resources Agency of New Britain, Inc. ; $ 30,000 to Pathways Sandero Center/Greater New Britain Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Inc. ; $ 30,000 to OIC of New Britain Inc. ; $ 13,070 to Girls, Inc. ; $ 13,070 to Boys and Girls Club of Meriden; $ 16,470 to Beat the Street Community Center; $ 13,070 to Meriden YMCA; $ 13,070 to Women and Family Center; $ 14,070 to City of Meriden/Police Cadets; $ 13,070 to Rushford Hospital Youth Program; $ 14,070 to New Opportunities of Greater Meriden/Boys to Men Program; $ 16,470 to Meriden Wallingford Chrysalis; $ 8,070 to Advocacy Academy Accomplish Education, Inc. ; $ 13,000 to Sound Community Services, Inc. ; $ 13,000 to New London Little League; $ 7,500 to Heavy Hitters USA; $ 6,000 to New London Babe Ruth League, Inc. ; $ 6,000 to Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Connecticut; $ 6,000 to Historically Black College Alumni, Inc. ; $ 6,000 to New London NAACP; $ 22,416. 70 to Waterbury Police Activity League, Inc. c/o Waterbury Young Men’s Christian Association dba Greater Waterbury YMCA; $ 22,416. 66 to Boys and Girls Club of Greater Waterbury; $ 22,416. 66 to Walnut Orange Walsh Neighborhood Revitalization Zone Association, Inc. ; $ 22,416. 66 to Rivera Memorial Foundation, Inc. ; $ 22,416. 66 to St. Margaret Willow Plaza NRZ, Association, Inc. ; $ 134,500 to the Church of the Good Shepard; $ 67,250 to town of East Hartford Youth Services/Youth Task Force; $ 67,250 to the town of Manchester; $ 91,150 to Bridgeport Caribe Youth League, Inc. ; $ 43,350 to McGivney Community Center; $ 25,000 to Project Overcome, Inc. ; $ 44,000 to Archipelago, Inc. Project Music; $ 44,500 to Boys and Girls Club of Stamford; $ 21,000 to William E. Edwards Academic College Tours, Inc. ; $ 25,000 to Artists Collective; $ 30,600 to C. U. R. E. T; $ 77,000 to Upper Albany Collaborative; $ 25,000 to Our Piece of the Pie; $ 114,000 to Windsor Collaborative; $ 30,000 to Urban League of Greater Hartford; $ 134,500 to Headquarters and Church Care of Kanaan Baptist Church; $ 50,000 to Buddy Jordan Foundation; $ 30,700 to Haitian Woman Association – Anacaona Youth Enrichment Program; $ 23,800 to Patrons of the Trumbull Nature and Arts Center, Inc. ; $ 30,000 to GVI; $ 50,000 to M. G. LL; $ 30,000 to Friends of Pope Park Troop 105; $ 40,000 to Boys and Girls Club/Chandler Street; $ 35,000 to O. P. M. Ad; $ 50,000 to ‘r Kids, Inc. ; $ 78,500 to VETTS, Inc. ; $ 20,000 to Kids Kook Association, Inc. ; $ 5,000 to Cross Street Training and Academic Center, Inc. ; $ 104,150 to Middlesex United Way; $ 25,350 to Oddfellows Playhouse; $ 25,000 to Citadel of Love; $ 22,000 to Hartford Drill, Drum and Dance Corp. ; $ 19,000 to Mount Olive Ministries; $ 19,000 to Supreme Athletes; $ 10,600 to Windsor Collaborative; $ 28,000 to BSL Education Foundation; $ 10,900 to The Pillar; $ 50,000 to NH Symphony Orchestra; $ 50,000 to Solar Youth; $ 50,000 to Police Athletic League/NH PAL; $ 15,000 to BIMEC (Believe in Me Corp. ); $ 50,000 to New Haven Reads Community Book Bank; $ 20,000 to Higher Heights Youth Empowerment Programs, Inc. ; $ 20,000 to Sullivan Basketball Academy, Inc.

What does any of this have to do with the Judicial Department? Nothing other than the Judicial Department has limited resources to pay close attention to how these funds are spent once they go out the door. The state’s Office of Policy and Management is the appropriate administrator of all this money.


September 15, 2017   2:30 pm   Comments Off on Deficit? What Deficit? How the Democrats Spend $3,000,000.

As If Connecticut Is Not Grappling With Enough Troubles Today.

Dodgy U.S. Representative Bill Shuster is in town to talk about putting a tunnel through Hartford. Shuster is the controversial Pennsylvania Republican whose girlfriend, Shelley Rubino, lobbies for the airline industry. That’s the same airline industry that Shuster has a lot of sway over as head of the House’s transportation committee. Rubino was a lobbyist in Connecticut and enjoyed a close relationship with both Democrat Thomas Ritter and Republican Lawrence Cafero. She also worked in Washington for Larson.

Shuster was one of the first two House committee chairmen to endorse Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in 2016.

Shuster, who has had some close calls in his recent re-election bids, appeared at the LOB today as the legislature tries to gather itself in the aftermath of Thursday’s chaos. He brought his seal with him. Should Congress pass a massive pork-filled infrastructure bill, people like the highly social Shuster will have some influence over its contents. Shuster–whose father was chased out of Congress over ethics issues involving a former aide–is the sort of politician who makes it hard to be optimist.


September 15, 2017   11:50 am   Comments Off on As If Connecticut Is Not Grappling With Enough Troubles Today.

Massachusetts, Cellphone Tax, and the Truth.

The desperate new cellphone tax proposed by the spent force that is the legislative Democrats is not the same as the one imposed in Massachusetts. Advocates of the new tax will claim otherwise but they are wrong. Both Connecticut and Massachusetts levy a phone tax–including cellphones–to fund 911 services. The two states, as this day begins, are at parity in imposing a 911 tax. The Connecticut Democratic proposal is a new and additional tax unrelated to the public good provided by 911 services.

Adopt the new Democratic tax and thriving Massachusetts will be able to point to one more difference between how the two states do business.

September 15, 2017   8:58 am   Comments Off on Massachusetts, Cellphone Tax, and the Truth.

Federal Judge on Dora Schriro’s Rikers Island: “Culture of Violence and Poor Treatment of Inmates”

Connecticut public officials continue to ignore the chilling records of public safety commissioner Dora Schriro. They ought to pay attention to Judge Loretta A. Preska’s description of New York’s Rikers Island under Schriro. Preska sentenced a brutally violent Rikers correction officer to 30 years in prison for killing an inmate and recognized the “culture of violence and poor treatment of inmates by correction officers at Rikers.”

The New York Times, which has performed a profound public service in its coverage of the scandal, has the latest chapter in the chilling saga. 

The fatal beating of inmate Ronald Spears occurred in December 2012, as Schriro was completing her disgraceful tenure at the notorious New York prison.

September 14, 2017   12:02 pm   Comments Off on Federal Judge on Dora Schriro’s Rikers Island: “Culture of Violence and Poor Treatment of Inmates”

Something to Look Forward to: David Walker and Online Comments. Pokes at Herbst Endorsements.

David Walker, the on-again-off again Republican, does enjoy the ability to comment on internet posts. He famously promised on the essential Only in Bridgeport website to sell his Bridgeport home if Tom Foley was not elected governor three years ago. Foley lost and Walker is still here–a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor.

Walker took to the Bridgeport site to contest rival Tim Herbst’s recent list of endorsements of the excitable Trumbull Republican candidate’s public supporters. Walker writes that at least one person on the Herbst list is holding a fundraiser for him, Walker. If history is any indicator, one suspects that we will be hearing more from Walker on this.

After becoming a Republican to run for lieutenant governor in 2014, Walker came third out of three candidates in the Republican primary that Heather Somers, now a state senator, won. Walker was not gracious in defeat. The Alabama native studied accounting at Jackson University. He later received a certificate from Harvard’s Kennedy School.  The 66 year old account may have to cutback on mentions of Harvard now that the school has added the preposterous and malignant Sean Spicer to its faculty.

Updates as they become available.



September 13, 2017   2:17 pm   Comments Off on Something to Look Forward to: David Walker and Online Comments. Pokes at Herbst Endorsements.

Dominion Delivers Its Demands.

Energy generator Dominion has let legislative leaders know that its 1,200 jobs in Connecticut may be a casualty of the state budget, Daily Ructions can report. The nuclear power producer has been warning for months that it needs more flexibility in how it participates in the regional energy market. Dominion has been warning policymakers that it will consider ceasing operations in Connecticut if it does not get some relief from the state’s byzantine energy rules.

Legislative leaders will have to confess they were warned if the day arrives when the no-carbon generator announces it is leaving the state.

September 13, 2017   10:24 am   Comments Off on Dominion Delivers Its Demands.

Never Enough: Democrats Want to Tax Your Cell Plan.

State Democrats cannot resist the urge to tax. Their budget proposal adds a $1 month to cellular plans–including, it seems, phones and tablets. If passed, the new tax will be added to the long list of state-imposed costs that businesses examine when deciding when to stay or, in the rare instance, come to Connecticut.

Anyone want to gamble on how long the tax stays at $1 a month?

Democrats may find themselves trying to explain how this proposal comports with the federal prohibition on state taxes on data plans.

September 13, 2017   10:21 am   Comments Off on Never Enough: Democrats Want to Tax Your Cell Plan.

House Democrats Caucus Today at 10:30 a.m.

To:             House Democratic Legislators

From:        Speaker Joe Aresimowicz

Majority Leader Matt Ritter

Date:          September 1, 2017

Re:             House Democratic Caucus

In preparation for the session on Thursday, September 14, there will be a House Democratic Caucus to discuss the budget onWednesday, September 6, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. in Rm. 207A of the Capitol.

Legislative Assistants, please contact your Legislators with this information immediately.

Thank you

September 6, 2017   9:09 am   Comments Off on House Democrats Caucus Today at 10:30 a.m.

Democrat O’Leary Supporting Republican Cockayne.

Waterbury’s Democratic mayor Neil O’Leary wasn’t billed as the headline guest at beleaguered Bristol Republican Ken Cockayne’s August 29th re-election fundraiser, but he was the most unexpected.

September 6, 2017   9:07 am   Comments Off on Democrat O’Leary Supporting Republican Cockayne.