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Lembo Announcement Airbrushes Malloy Years, 2010 Bid for Lieutenant Governor.

You would not know from Kevin Lembo’s video announcement that he ran for statewide office twice on the Malloy-Wyman ticket. Something indeed has “gotta” change, and correcting the errors of the past six years is the first step. Voters may not see silence during those years as a virtue to be rewarded.

Curiously, Lembo states he’d never run for office before becoming comptroller. That omits his exploratory bid for lieutenant governor in 2010–he switched races with friend and ally Nancy Wyman when she became Malloy’s running mate and Lembo ran to succeed her as comptroller. It was a Democratic convention to remember.

April 27, 2017   12:24 pm   Comments Off on Lembo Announcement Airbrushes Malloy Years, 2010 Bid for Lieutenant Governor.

State Board of Education Member Arrested for DUI 4 Times in 6 Weeks.

Stephen Wright, a member of the State Board of Education since 2011, was arrested four times for driving under the influence between February 22nd and April 10th. The most recent Wright arrest includes driving under the influence of alcohol while his license was suspended for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Wright is a lawyer and lives in Trumbull. His cases are pending in Bridgeport, Norwalk and Derby. His next court date is May 9th. Online records suggest Wright is representing himself and has been released on several promises to appear.


April 26, 2017   6:50 pm   Comments Off on State Board of Education Member Arrested for DUI 4 Times in 6 Weeks.

FOI Advocates Slam Legislature’s Proposal to Censor CT-N.

You knew it was a terrible idea when you read it first on Daily Ructions. Advocates of the state’s open government tradition today slammed the legislature’s proposal to restrict and censor public affairs programming on CT-N.

It’s not too late for legislative leaders to scrap the misbegotten RFP and guarantee the editorial independence of the public affairs broadcaster. It sometimes seems like the legislature is compelled to perpetuate terrible ideas. It isn’t. Leaders should acknowledge their error and create a proper RFP that celebrates creative independence.

April 26, 2017   5:18 pm   Comments Off on FOI Advocates Slam Legislature’s Proposal to Censor CT-N.

Lembo-Winfield Negotiating Ticket Deal.

State Comptroller Kevin Lembo and state Senator Gary Winfield are in talks to form a ticket with the New Haven Democrat serving as Lembo’s running mate for lieutenant governor, Daily Ructions can report. The talks are not complete, but any deal would pose an early threat to state Senator Ted Kennedy’s strength in his home turf, greater New Haven. Kennedy is also expected to run for governor.

Winfield and Kennedy have been rivals for several years in the heart of the state’s 3rd Congressional District. Their relationship is said to be little more than cordial.

Lembo’s announcement of his candidacy for the state’s highest office is imminent.

April 26, 2017   2:52 pm   Comments Off on Lembo-Winfield Negotiating Ticket Deal.

Update: She’s Moved to the 13th! Which District for Bysiewicz? Middletown Democrat Doesn’t Live in Suzio District.

April 27th UPDATE: Laura Cahill of the Friends of Susan Bysiewicz contacted Daily Ructions to announce that Susan Bysiewicz has moved to the 13th Senate District in the last few weeks. She and her husband will be building a home in the district on a lot they also purchased recently. For the moment they are preparing their house in the 9th Senate District for sale but are not living there.

Original post:

Perennial candidate Susan Bysiewiz’s campaign exploratory committee has legislative Democrats and Republicans wondering. Bysiewicz says she plans to run for the 13th Senate District seat held by Meriden Republican Len Suzio, who won his first full term last November. The Middletown Democrat and former secretary of the state does not live in the 13th. She lives in the 9th, which is served by Paul Doyle, a Wethersfield Democrat.

Bysiewicz ran for governor, attorney general and U.S senator between 2006 and 2012, sometimes more than one office in a cycle. No one will be surprised if Bysiewicz abandons her bid for the legislature for a statewide opportunity.

April 26, 2017   2:34 pm   Comments Off on Update: She’s Moved to the 13th! Which District for Bysiewicz? Middletown Democrat Doesn’t Live in Suzio District.

Eye on Lembo. Comptroller Prepares to Launch Bid for Governor.

State Comptroller Kevin Lembo’s bid for governor is imminent. Expect an announcement soon. The two-term comptroller has been looking for a venue for his announcement. He’s also been calling calling party leaders with considerable campaign experience to do some brain-picking.

Some early Lembo obstacles will include the memory of his mediocre result for re-election in 2014 against a Republican opponent with no money to spend. More formidable will be the Malloy loyalists, and there are still plenty of those in the upper ranks of the party, share their leader’s loathing of Lembo.

Joe Ganim’s growing interest in making the race for the state’s top job will also be an obstacle. Lembo has been cultivating Ganim for several years and now may not reap the benefit of tending to that rocky garden.

April 26, 2017   8:44 am   Comments Off on Eye on Lembo. Comptroller Prepares to Launch Bid for Governor.

A Glorious Noise: It’s Ella Fitzgerald’s Centennial.

Ella Fitzgerald was born 100 years ago today. The BBC’s Radio 4 is celebrating with this tribute and biography.


April 25, 2017   9:17 am   Comments Off on A Glorious Noise: It’s Ella Fitzgerald’s Centennial.

Retreat to the Shadows. Legislative Management Wants Less Coverage, More Control.

The Connecticut General Assembly’s Office of Legislative Management released a Request for Proposals for operation of CT-N, the public service network that provides public affairs programming. The goal of the proposal is set forth in the RFP:

“The CGA is seeking to reduce the scope and spending for the production of CT-Network understanding that this reduction may require decreasing the amount and types of coverage.”

With the storm clouds continuing to gather over Connecticut’s government, it seems a curious time to reduce the public’s ability to engage its growing interest in public affairs. A reduction in the number of pieces of snail mail legislators create and send would save plenty of money to fund the dissemination of useful information.

Note in the RFP, linked here, vests an alarming amount of authority in the legislature to determine what events outside the legislature will be covered.


April 25, 2017   9:03 am   Comments Off on Retreat to the Shadows. Legislative Management Wants Less Coverage, More Control.

Thaddeus Gray to Join Republican Candidates at Avon Event in May.

Lakeville Republican and New York investment executive Thaddeus I. Gray will appear with a host of Republican hopefuls in Avon on Friday, May 19th for the party town committee’s 6th annual spring fling. Confirmed guests, according to the event announcement, include “Prasad Srinivasan, Tim Herbst, David Walker, Mark Greenberg, Steve Obsitnik, and Thad Gray.”

Thad Gray is a new name on the long list of Republicans thinking about running for office. More are expected to enter races for a variety of statewide offices.

April 24, 2017   4:12 pm   Comments Off on Thaddeus Gray to Join Republican Candidates at Avon Event in May.

Woodbridge Democrat Calls Senator George Logan “Token Black Republican”. Senate Leaders Condemn Cheryl Sackler.

Woodbridge holds its municipal elections on May 1st. Local Democrat Cheryl Sackler took to Facebook to decry the Republican ticket as “rich white guys in suits.” A commenter mentioned she had met state Senator George Logan, the district’s new state senator and a Republican. Sackler, a veterinarian with a Beacon Falls practice, turned her venomous keyboard to Logan. The malignant Sackler declared Logan a “token black Republican” after her screed attracted attention.

As Democrats troop to Woodbridge to help their local ticket, will they denounce racism in their party? Will outgoing First Selectman Ellen Scalletar find her voice to intervene for decency?

Read the dispiriting exchange here. 


Hartford, CT – Senate President Pro Tempore Martin M. Looney (D-New Haven) today released the following statement regarding comments posted on Facebook directed at State Senator George Logan (R-Ansonia).

“In this era of heightened political insensitivity, there is no place at the national or local level to use race, religion sexual orientation or economic status as a barometer of an individual’s worth,” said Senator Looney. “These types of statements directed at Senator Logan are just wrong – regardless of party – and do not belong in our public discourse.”


Hartford – Senate Republican President Pro Tempore Len Fasano (R-North Haven) today released the following statement regarding comments posted on Facebook directed at State Senator George Logan (R-Ansonia) and a statement by Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney (D-New Haven) condemning these comments.

“The Senate Republican Caucus appreciates Senator Looney’s statement condemning the completely unacceptable comments directed toward State Senator George Logan. No one should be judged or measured based on their race, religion, or sexual orientation. The prejudice seen in certain comments posted on Facebook are inexcusable. We must condemn bigotry in unity. This is an issue where Republicans and Democrats in Connecticut can and will stand together.”


Woodbridge Democrat Beth Heller sends this:

“My team and I are focused on bringing people together, and we strongly denounce and reject any divisive comments, including those made by Ms. Sackler today. Her insensitive and offensive language has no place in our public discourse.”

April 23, 2017   10:17 pm   Comments Off on Woodbridge Democrat Calls Senator George Logan “Token Black Republican”. Senate Leaders Condemn Cheryl Sackler.