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Will Anyone Vet Kane? Republican Choice for Auditor Scrambles to Make Late Business Filings.

An active business with no required filing since 2014. That’s what Republican auditor nominee Rob Kane’s record showed on Tuesday morning. The former Republican state senator scrambled to backfill the hole after inquiries were made. Just another “misunderstanding” by the Republican choice to scrutinize the state’s spending of its $20 billion annual business.

Republicans are beginning to express worries about Kane’s nomination, which goes before the Executive and Legislative Nominations Committee today. It appears Republican leaders skipped even a cursory vetting of Kane’s nomination. The hearing is not the ideal forum for doing that but members will have no alternative if party and committee leaders choose to forge ahead Thursday.

The auditors supervise a large staff of sober professionals. That would be a new experience for Kane. Will one brave committee member ask how Kane has treated staff members at the legislature? Has he always acted appropriately? What have his relationships with lobbyists been?

A few questions on Kane’s experience exercising authority in the legislature’s hierarchy would be a good start on the day’s hearing.



January 19, 2017   8:00 am   Comments Off on Will Anyone Vet Kane? Republican Choice for Auditor Scrambles to Make Late Business Filings.

For Martin Luther King Day

January 16, 2017   11:01 am   Comments Off on For Martin Luther King Day

Kane Refused to Make Payments for Children’s Medical Expenses. Who Will Say “No” to This Madness?

Rob Kane, former state senator seeking to become the auditor of the state’s annual $20 billion budget, fell thousands of dollars behind in his share of unreimbursed medical expenses and other fees for his children. His ex-wife had to file a contempt motion to get redress. The Courant has the distasteful story. The details raise several questions. Here’s one: Why didn’t Kane use the generous alimony his ex-wife was paying him to cover the unreimbursed medical expenses that were his responsibility? Here’s another one: Why the puny monthly arrearage payment? It will take Kane more than three years to catch up on what he has long owed–it’s for his children.

The most important question is what Republicans and Democrats in the legislature (but especially Republicans, since Kane is their nomination) will muster the self-respect to declare, “Party loyalty asks too much. Connecticut must set a higher standard for itself.”


January 13, 2017   2:10 pm   Comments Off on Kane Refused to Make Payments for Children’s Medical Expenses. Who Will Say “No” to This Madness?

Malloy Gets a Challenger. Dan Drew Launches Exploratory Committee for Governor.

Three term Middletown mayor Dan Drew has filed an exploratory committee for governor. Drew’s announcement sounds like he is ready to challenge fellow Democrat and incumbent Dannel P. Malloy, should he seek a third in 2018.

Drew’s written announcement reads like an indictment of the Malloy years leading Connecticut: “For too long, the focus of our government has been to assist people at the very top. The people in the middle are left behind,” said Drew. He added, “We must recognize that we have the opportunity and responsibility to think big and to make the bold changes that will tangibly improve life for the people of Connecticut. Seniors should be able to retire comfortably, parents should be able to send their kids to great public schools, and workers deserve good jobs to support their families.”

The announcement kicks off a tour of the state to talk with Connecticut Democrats on the way forward.

January 12, 2017   7:46 am   Comments Off on Malloy Gets a Challenger. Dan Drew Launches Exploratory Committee for Governor.

Full Moon Alert: Herbst Files Exploratory Committee for Statewide Office.

That shooting star Timothy M. Herbst has resumed exploring a statewide candidacy for 2018. The Trumbull Republican filed a committee formation document with the State Elections Enforcement Commission for an undetermined office.

Herbst was the Republican nominee for state treasurer in 2014, losing a close race to Democratic incumbent Denise Nappier. He was narrowly re-elected first selectman of Trumbull in 2015.

There is some talk that Herbst will run for governor in 2018, though that seems unlikely.

January 11, 2017   5:53 pm   Comments Off on Full Moon Alert: Herbst Files Exploratory Committee for Statewide Office.

When Is a Fundraiser Only a Party?

Campaign finance report deadlines can give rise to some confusion. Danbury’s Mark Boughton told The Courant’s Russell Blair that his exploratory committee held no fundraisers in November or December. The $26,350 Boughton disclosed in the first report of his third bid for government.

A Daily Ructions reader disputes Boughton’s claim with an invitation to a Wednesday, December 21st fundraising event. Contributions to the event could be made at the door or online.

January 10, 2017   9:20 pm   Comments Off on When Is a Fundraiser Only a Party?

Boughton Stumbles at Starting Gate. Puny Finance Report Will Revive Doubts on Fundraising.

Mark Boughton’s exploratory Connecticut Comeback Committee for an undetermined office raised just $26,360.00 in seven weeks, according to a report filed with the State Elections Enforcement Commission. Boughton is expected to launch a third bid for governor in 2018.

Boughton did not accept contributions over $100, so he is just over 10% of the way to the $250,000 in small donations to qualify for public financing. Boughton was stymied by that $250,000 requirement in his 2010 and 2014 bids for governor.

Boughton’s fundraising could pick up if he unveils a credible plan to solve Connecticut’s punishing budget deficits for the next two fiscal years. The Danbury Republican was a leading participant in the school funding lawsuit that could result in hundreds of millions in state funds moving from suburbs to cities.

January 10, 2017   6:23 pm   Comments Off on Boughton Stumbles at Starting Gate. Puny Finance Report Will Revive Doubts on Fundraising.

Lumaj Raises Hefty $105k in 4th Quarter Explorer.

Fairfield Republican Peter Lamaj raised $105,795 in the 4th quarter is 2016 for his exploratory committee for statewide office, according to his report. That’s a haul for the 2014 nominee for secretary of the state.

The maximum contribution for a candidate exploratory committee is $375. Under the state’s public financing only $100 of a contribution counts toward the qualifying grant requirements.

January 9, 2017   10:21 pm   Comments Off on Lumaj Raises Hefty $105k in 4th Quarter Explorer.

Merit is Dead: Republicans Picked Hack Over Hero for State Auditor.

State Republican legislative leaders’ inauguration day choice of former state Senator Rob Kane to serve as their party’s designee for state auditor begins to look even worse than it did last Wednesday. The Republican leaders rejected a hero of our times, corruption buster and retired FBI agent Charlie Urso, for the job. Sometimes you get the feeling they do not want to let talented investigators inside the halls of government.

Here’s Urso’s letter to,Themis Klarides and Len Fasano. Read it and mourn for what might have been and what the office would become under Kane, who is some sort of carphone salesman.

“Representative Klarides and Senator Fasano-

I would like to compete for the position as the Republican nominated Connecticut Public Auditor.
By way of brief background, I was the FBI case agent on the Paul Silvester and John Rowland prosecutions. I was selected by Governor Rell as a member of the UConn 2000 Oversight Committee that uncovered the problems in the University construction program and sat on that committee for 9 years in an oversight capacity. I was Governor Rell’s appointment as the Deputy Commissioner of Transportation (DOT) where we uncovered the Route 84 debacle, the cold seal prosecutions and the firing and prosecutions of the DOT management in charge of rail operations for diverting state funds to personal benefit. Lastly, I was the Lead Investigator for the State Elections Enforcement Commission (SEEC) that investigated the complaint against the Democratic State Central Committee (DSCC) funneling  benefit to the Malloy 2014 campaign and the Malloy campaign receiving an inappropriate contribution from the DSCC federal account which included funds from State Contractors and other impermissible sources. This case is currently being investigated by the US Department of Justice. All of these efforts were the result of leveraging and managing auditing operations.
Personally,I have a BS degree in accounting and an MBA with a concentration in finance. My first job out of college was as an auditor and that experience has guided me throughout my career.
My experience in state government is unique and multifaceted. The taxpayers of Connecticut deserve a candidate for this position that has demonstrated success in dealing with public issues. I would enjoy speaking with you about this position. I have included a copy of my resume for background. I can be reached through this email or xxx-xxx-xxxx.
Thank you for your time.
Charlie Urso”


January 9, 2017   3:41 pm   Comments Off on Merit is Dead: Republicans Picked Hack Over Hero for State Auditor.

Christmas is Over, But You Will Nevertheless Want to See This Ravosa Invitation.

Aspiring slot shack developer Tony Ravosa may not be feeling so jolly after Friday’s announcement eliminating East Hartford (Hartford and South Windsor, too) from consideration for a new gaming facility.

Nevertheless, Ravosa’s Christmas party invitation is worth a look, suggesting this misbegotten venture is slightly less terrible than it was.


Our long national nightmare has finally come to an end.
The holidays are almost upon us and it’s time to party!
On Election Night, President-Elect Donald Trump was quoted as saying,
You don’t want to miss TR’s annual Christmas soiréeat Capital Grille – it’s always yuge! 
An amazing group of guys. . . absolutely amazing.  And the steaks are fantastic – always a ‘10’!”
August 1988
From the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin said,
“Trust me, comrades, no one attending TR’s party has small hands!  I was hoping to make it this year with Julian Assange, but the SOB can’t get a visa – he’ll have to Skype in.  It’s been a long year – I could use a few Moscow Mules!  By the way, do you think the runway at Brainard is long enough to land the Tupelov?”
Image result for putin shirtless photo
Vanquished Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton likened the testosterone-fueled affair to “being at The Last Supper with a major league group of deplorables.”
And, speaking of The Last Supper. . .
you never know who’s going to show up!
In other words, you don’t want to miss it!
Tony Ravosa’s 14th Annual
“Countdown to Christmas”
Lunch and Extended Happy Hour
Downtown Hartford
Thursday, December 15th, 2016
Bar Opens at 11:45 AM
You are among the select and privileged few invited to participate in this year’s luncheon extravaganza scheduled for Thursday, December 15th, beginning at 11:45 AM in the bar of the Capital Grille in downtown Hartford.  I have once again reserved a large portion of the restaurant for this annual hedonistic holiday ritual – so reserve your seat early.  I hope you can join us for this full-metal jacket, “guys only” affair where debauchery and gluttony rule!    

For those of you still paying the price on the home front for your “post-lunch,” late night escapades of years past, you should (a) once again seek absolution, (b) give her something glittery from Lux Bond and Green a day or two before the event – which should buy you 3-4 days of peace and solitude when you can do no wrong – or (c) simply lie through your teeth and tell her that you need to travel “out of town” that day on a business trip.  You don’t want to miss this colossal, testosterone-laden, “boys will be boys” marathon day on the town!  Steaks, great wine, an open bar, good friends, laughing your ass off all afternoon. . .it simply doesn’t get any better than this!

January 9, 2017   12:52 pm   Comments Off on Christmas is Over, But You Will Nevertheless Want to See This Ravosa Invitation.