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President Zelensky at Yale forum: The war “will end soon.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared Friday that his nation’s war against genocidal Reassign invaders “will end soon.” Zelensky, wearing a shirt with a motto for the ages, “Fight Like Ukrainians,” made the announcement during a remote appearance at a forum sponsored by the Yale School of Management. Freedom’s staunchest friend was joined (also remotely) by Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) before an audience of 350 students.

Blumenthal and Graham agreed they expect Congress to approve a major aid bill for Ukraine before the end of the year. Blumenthal is urging the Biden administration to double the air defense weapons the United States is providing Ukraine. Graham paid tribute to Blumenthal’s resolute support for Ukraine in its dark hour. “I want the people of Connecticut to know,” Graham said, “no one has been stronger and more consistent in supporting Ukrainians than Senator Blumenthal.”

Graham told the audience and Zelensky, “We cannot forgive or forget” Russia’s war crimes and the genocide it continues to inflict on democratic Ukraine.

Both senators were confident Congress will act to provide more support for Ukraine, which in the ninth month of the Russian invasion has inflicted a series of dramatic defeats on Russian forces. Zelensky attributed some of his army’s success on the flexibility given to its commanders. “Our field commanders are completely free to make their own decisions,” Zelensky explained. Russian commanders are not, and live in fear of orders from above.

The forum included Yale President Peter Salovey, Yale’s Levin Professor of History Timothy Snyder, and the event’s compere Yale School of Management Senior Associate Dean Jeffrey Sonnenfeld.

Published October 28, 2022.