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UPDATE Primary Day Withdrawal: Gilmer Gives Up Race for 2nd CD Republican Nomination. Arrested Monday for Unlawful Restraint.

Thomas Gilmer, the party-endorsed Republican candidate for Congress in Connecticut’s 2nd District withdrew from the contest as polls were about to open. Gilmer defeated Justin Anderson by a stonking 234-50 at the party’s May video convention.

Anderson’s 50 votes qualified him for a primary, which he pursued. The race has received little notice among primary voters but has caused considerable comment among a small group of party insiders. Gilmer accuses Anderson of “slinging mud, without regard to truth” in a statement ending his candidacy.

Gilmer remains a heavy favorite to win Tuesday’s primary. Party-endorsed candidates in quiet races are often the beneficiaries of deference-minded primary voters. The polling day withdrawal provides another indication of a party in steep decline.

UPDATE: The Courant’s Daniela Altimari has more, much more. Thomas Gilmer “was charged on a warrant with first-degree unlawful restraint and second-degree strangulation and posted a $5,000 bond.” He turned himself in to Wethersfield police late Monday.