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Rat Alert: Contracting Standards Board Bill Allows Executive Director to Retire and Return as Executive Director.

Even the noble State Contracting Standards Board can become the home of a rat’s nest. Raised Bill 473, An Act Concerning the State Contracting Standards Board, creates an unusual exception for the Board’s executive director. It allows the Governor to appoint as executive director a retired executor director. There may soon be someone who fits the description.

David L. Guay, the board’s current executive director, is expected to retire soon. This legislation would make Guay eligible to continue in or return to his position as executive director if Governor Lamont chose to appoint him.

Disappointing that the board, which does consistently excellent work, would engage in a bid for an exemption from rules. But here it is:

Sec. 4. Subsections (f) to (h), inclusive, of section 4e-2 of the general

213  statutes are repealed and the following is substituted in lieu thereof

214  (Effective July 1, 2022):

215  (f) The Governor shall appoint an executive director of the board who

216  shall serve as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the board. The

217  executive director shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions

218  of section 4-7 and may be removed from office for reasonable cause, in

219  accordance with chapter 67. The board may recommend that the

220  Governor appoint as executive director a person who has retired from

221  state service after serving as the executive director of the board. 

Published March 25, 2022.