Results in CT-05 continue to reveal no certain winner.

A note of confusion reigns in the reporting of results from the New York Times reporting. It shows Harwinton as the only town with no results reported. In Harwinton, Republican George Logan, according to unofficial results, won 918 more votes than Democrat Jahana Hayes, 1965 to 1047.
The Logan campaign believes it holds a narrow lead.

The Secretary of the State results page has Logan ahead by 2,934 votes with four districts not yet reported. Those four may be three in Avon and Norkfolk’s one voting district. Hayes won Avon by 1187 votes (including absentee ballots) and Norfolk by 213 (also including absentee ballots).
A candidate is automatically entitled to a recount if the Secretary of the State certifies a result with a margin of victory of .5% or less.
This is going to be a heck of a ride. Connecticut has not had a recount in a U.S. House race since 2006 when Joe Courtney unseated Republican Rob Simmons.
Published November 9, 2022.