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Retreat: Bob Drops Tax Repeal Pledge on Eve of Balloting.

You cannot trust Bob Stefanowski. The Republican nominee for governor on Monday abandoned the tax cut pledge that has fueled his improbable race for governor since 2017. Today, Stefanowski announced that there will be no tax cuts in the first two years of his administration if he wins Tuesday. The concession to reality is a stunning retreat from the recent Democrat. Since revealing a tax plan Stefanowski paid economist Arthur Laffer to write and explain last year, Stefanowski has offered no caveats that cuts should be delayed. The plan that was unveiled on December 4th refers to immediate tax cuts and a phase out of the income tax over 8 years. Stefanowski’s startling announcement as voters prepare to go to the polls Tuesday will add to the public’s disenchantment with candidates who do not tell the truth.