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Republican Struggles. Riddle Starts Campaign in Debt. Hyde Raises Less Than Reporting Threshold.

Federal campaign finance reports continue to tell the tale of Republican decline in the northeast region of the nation.

Jonathan Riddle, who recently launched his campaign for the Republican nomination in Connecticut’s 4th CD, reports contributions of $100 for the third quarter of the year when Riddle began his campaign, a $7,127.91 loan, $7,485.45 in cash on hand, and $27,770.69 in debts and loans a little over a year before Election Day. The 4th CD is in the nation’s priciest media market, which can makes a competitive campaign expensive.

Robert Hyde, who appears to have switched from running for the U.S. Senate in 2022 to seeking the Republican nomination in the 5th CD, has not reached the $5,000.00 fundraising threshold that would require him to file a full quarterly campaign finance report.