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Robyn Porter renomination fails for want of a second and absence from convention.

Once in a while showing up and stepping up is all it takes. The 94th House District Democratic nominating convention was held with an air of bewilderment. Delegates from New Haven and Hamden gathered at the Parrish House on Kimberley Avenue Wednesday evening without any clear indication from incumbent Robyn Porter that she was a candidate for re-election.

Once in a while showing up and stepping up is all it takes. The 94th House District Democratic nominating convention was held with an air of bewilderment. Delegates from New Haven and Hamden gathered at the Parrish House on Kimberley Avenue Wednesday evening without any clear indication from incumbent Robyn Porter that she was a candidate for re-election.

Porter did not attend. A Hamden delegate placed Porter’s name in nomination. A long silence followed, interrupted by calls for a second. None was forthcoming. Instead, the delegates looked around the room and nominated former New Haven alder Steve Winter.

Winter enjoys a reputation as a diligent campaigner. A virtue in any campaign but not an essential one in the overwhelmingly Democratic 94th.

Published May 15, 2024.