Sean Scanlon PAC invites lobbyist to September 14th fundraiser. Comptroller is PAC chair.

State Comptroller Sean Scanlon will mark the end of the municipal primary season by raising money from lobbyists for his Sound CT PAC. The Guilford Democrat has invited lobbyists and others to join him at J Restaurant I Bar, the “midtown Hartford gem.” (When did Hartford get a midtown?) The 90-minute event takes place on September 14th.
Lobbyists may handover $100 each. Individuals (lobbyists are denied their personhood under the state’s campaign finance law and are not considered individuals) may donate $1,000. Other PACS in the world of PACS supporting PACS are capped at $2,000.
Campaign finance reports reveal the Scanlon committee serves as a fund for the former legislator to sprinkle money on local Democratic campaigns. In June, Scanlon dropped $1,500 contributions on Democratic candidates for mayor in Danbury, Middletown and Waterbury. Helpful for the candidates and some seed money for Scanlon when he spies a chance to reach for a higher rung on the ladder.
PACs run for the benefit of politicians who receive millions in taxpayer funds for their own campaigns have become a common means of chipping away at the purpose of public financing. What’s unusual about the Scanlon PAC is that he continues to serve as its chairman. Connecticut’s comptroller has many duties and responsibilities, as well as significant authority in certain spheres of public policy. There is a bit of the unseemly in him serving as the chair of a PAC that solicits lobbyists, individuals and PACs that may have business before him–or hope to do business with him.
Attorney General William Tong provides a contrast. Nancy DiNardo, the reliable state Democratic party leader, chair’s Tong’s Firewall Fund PAC. Tong and Scanlon may be destined to highlight contrasts between themselves as each seeks to squeeze through the state’s crowded bottleneck of political ambition.
This early round goes to Tong.
Published August 30, 2023.