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Senior Assistant State’s Attorney poses for the camera with twice convicted federal felon.

There was a time when prosecutors would avoid the company of twice-convicted federal felons. In Connecticut, that time is a memory. Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Susan Hatfield joined in a jolly photograph Tuesday night with John G. Rowland, the three-term former governor who was convicted in 2004 and jailed in 2005 on for committing corrupt acts while governor. The Republican was convicted again in 2014 on conspiracy, obstruction and falsifying documents charges.

Hatfield is a $121,000 a year state prosecutor with 20 years of experience. She was the 2018 Republican candidate for attorney general. Hatfield was defeated by Democrat William Tong. She also served as the interim state party chairman after the abrupt resignation of J.R. Romano.

Tuesday’s Republican event featured a roast of former party chairman Chris Healy, an early and defiant critic of Rowland during the scandal that traumatized Connecticut in 2003 and 2004. Healy now lobbies for the Catholic church.

Stamford Republican Andy Wainwright stands between Healy and Hatfield.

Published February 1, 2023.