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Simmelkjaer Considers Unnamed Statewide Office. Lottery Chair Forms Exploratory Committee.

Rob Simmelkjaer, who leads the Connecticut Lottery Corporation’s board of directors, has created an exploratory committee for statewide office. A Democrat, Simmelkjar’s filing states that he is not exploring a run for a seat in the legislature.

The Westport Democrat’s filing states that he is not seeking the office of Treasurer. Secretary of the State Denise Merrill is the only statewide office holder to announce she will not seek re-election next year. Several Democrats have expressed an interest in running or have taken affirmative steps to create a campaign committee.

Simmelkjaer has held positions in media companies including ABC, ESPN, and NBC. He has been in front of the camera and also in executive jobs. He is the co-founder and president of Persona, an interview platform. Simmelkjaer also provides commentary on the Tennis Channel.

Simmelkjaer was defeated in a 2017 bid for the Westport board of selectman by Republican Jennifer Tooker.

Posted October 18, 2021.