Simmons Boosts Dubitsky
Republican United States Senate candidate-in-suspension Rob Simmons is lending a hand to 2nd congressional district challenger Doug Dubitsky, who faces endorsed candidate Daria Novak and Janet Peckinpaugh in an August 10th primary. Simmons, who has stayed busy since suspending his Senate campaign after losing to Linda McMahon at the May 21st Republican nominating convention, will appear for Dubitsky at a June 30th event in Bolton sponsored by Manchester Mayor Lou Spadaccini and Vernon Republican Town Committee leader Hal Cummings.
Simmons is featured in the invitation as the guest speaker for the event. Donations are appreciated but not required.
Dubitsky, the populist in black tie, made a strong showing at the May 21st nominating convention, to which Simmons was a delegate who did not vote. It looks like he waited a month before bestowing his endorsement.
I’m glad to see Rob Simmons endorsing candidate Doug Dubitsky. Dubitsky is an experienced, intelligent, everyman’s man and an Agri-Business professional who advocates the Constitution. It is important to have a strong, solutions and policy-oriented person represent us in Congress. It is also important to beat the incumbent. Go Rob, Dubitsky will make a great Congressman.
“Dubitsky, the populist in black tie” Kevin, please…….
You know better than that…….
It would be interesting if someone found a picture of you in your diapers holding a rattle and bawling at the top of your lungs and subtitle it “Kevin Rennie, the whiny, bitter little baby.”
The difference is that you wouldn’t find that photo posted by me on my own site. Take a look at Doug Dubitsky’s site and see if you also find the photo in black tie incongruous to his message. You can see it here.
You have to agree with Rennie on this one. EdM. – please be more careful before launching an attack. You walked into this one. I like Dubitsky. He’s sort of a Wilber Post with an edge.
I know that Rob has said he’d do events for all 3 candidates in the 2nd District and I believe he’s doing an event with Daria Novak soon. This wasn’t an endorsement at all – just helping all the folks working hard to unseat Courtney – but of course you didn’t even ask that did you?
I knew it was on his website Mr. Mainor, I was one of the first to look at Doug’s website long before Rennie even knew who he was. However Rennie’s using that picture here the way he did and with the cutesy comment is childish and ridiculous and typical haughty Rennie behavior that many find distasteful. Rennie’s a certified chuckle head, that’s for sure.
Kevin if you’re mind is so simple and so immature that you connect photo’s to a candidate’s “message” then you’ve got more deep set problems than I ever thought you had. Doug has a variety of photos of himself on his website that are quite complimentary to his personal appearance whether it be in a suit, his working around the farm clothes or dressed up for a formal event. The printed words about his background, why he’s running and his key issues have nothing to do with what color his clothes are in the pictures.
In simple terms Kevin, you’re just an arrogant, smart ass who very few people take seriously anymore. Sad, truly sad.
Rob Simmons will be speaking at a fundraiser for Daria Novak in Durham on Monday, June 28 AND the following day on Tuesday June 29 in Stonington.
Dubitsky’s people are lying when they say Rob endorsed Doug. That’s the problem… same old, same old… Doug is just another Hartford attorney whose large law firm is close to Chris Healy.
Another lie… Doug finally admitted he owns 1 cow, not a herd as he claimed. He ought stand up and be honest about everything. I don’t know of any real CT farm family that survives on a beef cattle herd of 1 pet cow. At a recent meeting many of us listened to Doug say he gets up and “herds” his beef cattle. How does a farmer “herd” one cow? Doug, the people of Eastern CT are not that stupid!
Many of Doug’s clients are fancy horse owners and riding academies, many of which are Fairfield and Westchester County types. Doug hasn’t voted in about 20 years and only this spring became a Republican because he wanted to be a Congressman. If he’s been so concerned about what’s happening in CT why hasn’t he worked with other trial lawyers in Hartford on tort reform? Or, on stopping legislative spending?
Doug is an arrogant opportunist who thinks an attorney is the only one who can “rule” us, just like Courtney. We’ll pass in the 2nd.
Doug claimed to have legislative experience at the recent Republican debate. Another lie. Doug’s never been elected to public office. Sitting on a student council, if he did, is NOT legislative experience. He is an opportunist who will say anything to get elected — just like Obama.
We are not stupid in Eastern CT even if many of us do prefer a more rural life style. Doug’s camp went negative and is slinging mud about the other two candidates. As far as I am concerned there is only one candidate who has proven she has what it takes to win AND the experience to do the job well.
Daria Novak has a large team of workers and supporters, some of whom we saw at the debate. She has 2 large, public headquarters and good name recognition now. Daria is the only candidate with a headquarters because she has been at this for almost 16 months and is serious about taking back Congress. I love it that she speaks at Thompson International Speedway to big crowds. Her campaign logo is on the Thompson Speedway web site! She know how to get real and positive name recognition. And, she knows and supports the Constitution.
Daria’s bright, real and refreshing grass roots candidate of the people who is taking the high road and sticking to the issues. She has the support of the people of Eastern CT because she is one of us. She’s the real deal and we are lucky to have such a high caliber candidate.
Peckinpaugh just moved into the district, just registered Republican this spring, and is just learning what’s in the Constitution. She doens’t know the issues in depth, has never been a leader, or a defender of the Constitution. In East Lyme at a meet and greet she didn’t know what the 2nd Amendment concerned and said so before her handlers could stop her!
She backed out of a fair debate because she is uninformed and her handlers decided is was better to leave people unsure than to prove Janet was uneducated regarding the issues. Then they tried to blame it on the organizers who were extremely fair. The organizers taped the candidate call setting up the debate for everyone to hear! Maybe they knew ahead of time what Ed Munster would try to pull? We need leadership now. It’s not time for on the job training.
Daria Novak is a proven leader who already had shown she can get a lot done with few resources. She’ll do the same for us in Washington. She received the endorsement of the Republican Party at the state convention despite state party official efforts to stop her on the floor. why? Becuase she is a refreshing change — a knowledgeable, principled and refreshing candidate who is an independent thinker. She’s who we need in Washington now… a strong Reagan conserative who recognizes that she’ll be the voice of all of Eastern CT.
Daria’s not flinging dirt at the other candidates although they have done it continuously toward her without proving their accusations….well, except that they are good at taking the low road. Daria’s sticking to the critical issues of the day and she has solutions. Let’s get on with the primary so Novak can go after Courtney on the issues and finally give the people a voice in DC.
Thanks, Mike C. You spoke volumes; every word of it the truth. Janet Peckinpaugh is a joke. A bad joke. Doug Dubitsky has unfortunately either lied or exaggerated about his “legislative experience” and his being a “farmer”. If he lies about small things, how can we put our trust in him? Isn’t this the same old problem we have with our politicians now??? Isn’t this the same old problem with our Congressmen and Senators in Washington now??? Doug is a lawyer. Congress is loaded with lawyers and career politicians who work for themselves and their special interests; not for us. ENOUGH already! We need committed, principled grassroots Conservatives to renew our country and the GOP. Too bad the CT GOP doesn’t GET IT. We the People will just have to lead them rather than the other way around. Daria Novak for Congress in CT’s 2nd Congressional District is EXACTLY what we need. She will represent us as well as the Constitution faithfully. Daria Novak is the ONLY choice.
Rob is also speaking at a fundraiser for Janet Peckinpaugh on July 13th. I wish Rennie would have called Simmons to verify an “endorseement”. Rob is committed to helping Republicans win and is not picking a candidate!
MikeC you are one of the biggest liars I’ve even seen.
Doug’s law firm is not “close” to Chris Healy as you claim. Healy is supporting Peckinpaugh and refuses to return Doug’s phone calls.
Doug never said he had a “heard” of cows, who really cares?
Doug is not “arrogant” just another one of your lies.
Doug never claimed he was a legislator, he has legislative experience working at the state capitol in Utah when he was either going to our recently graduated from law school. Daria Novak hasn’t ever been elected to anything either. You can’t have it both ways Mikey.
Doug isn’t “slinging mud” about Peckinpaugh or your girl Daria. Daria on the other hand constantly bad mouths Doug and Janet on a regular basis and she’s quite obnoxious about it. She’s made nasty, offensive, belittling and negative statements to me directly about Doug and Janet.
Novak BARELY won the convention 52% to 48% and it had nothing to do with some conspiracy on the part of “party leaders. 48% of those simply don’t think Novak is a good candidate. Pretty amazing that some guy who walks into the race six weeks before the convention nearly knocked her off. Instead of foaming at the mouth, you Novak kool-aid drinkers better darn well start trying to figure out why your candidate doesn’t appeal to half the Republicans.
Idiots like you MikeC who spread their bile and lies do your girl Daria no good at all. Even if she wins the primary (which is about a 50-50 shot at this point) she will get he ass kicked by Joe Courtney and if you can’t realize that then there’s no hope for you.
What is with all the name calling, EdfromBranford take it down a notch man child.
Let’s see Novak won the convention because ‘the people’ were behind her not the CTGOP hacks. Hmmm would I rather have someone that is tied to Hartford attorneys and CTGOP super delegates represent me in DC or someone that has taken the time to meet with the public sector working constituents?
Novak will win on Aug 10th and Nov 2nd … just watch … she has the momentum of ‘We the People’, which will prevail.
Happy Independence Day.
EdM, I like most of your posts on this blog and am with you 100% on a lot of what you say. Unfortunately I don’t agree with you here. Has Daria made some mistakes along the way? Sure. What first time candidate hasn’t? Will she make some more? Sure. Seasoned incumbents do. Doug is a good guy but I question his motives for running. If they were pure he would have been in long before he was.
Will Daria beat Courtney in November? Probably not, but she has the best chance of any of the Republicans, thats for sure. Like it or not she does have name recognition that stems from the fact that she has been on the trail significantly longer than anyone else. She doesn’t have money but enough will come after the primary to at least make her competitive, and we will have the added benefit of Joe probably not considering her a threat. If Gejedson would have taken Rob seriously in 2000 we never would have won that seat. Rob didn’t win because he was Rob, he won because he worked hard and was overlooked. That is exactly what we have seen in Daria.
Absent some reason why Doug is either more electable than Daria or has some significant policy disagreement with her, I don’t see why he is running nor do I see why anyone would support him. Daria has more of the groundwork laid for a successful run that he ever will. Governing is about winning elections and Novak has the best chance.