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Someone’s Asking Questions With Holiday Poll.

An alert Daily Ructions reader was asked to participate in an online Survey Monkey poll this week, The reader shared three screenshots, posted above, of the questions asked of the random participants. Each question is aimed at learning if the respondent’s opinion of Governor Ned Lamont would be affected by reports of his wife’s investment company’s interests had dealings with state government.

The issue has annoyed—and lately, infuriated—Lamont as he embarks on a bid for a second term. The Greenwich Democrat startled supporters and opponents this month when he declared that Connecticut is a complicated place to do business, causing his wife, Ann Huntress Lamont, to head to Nashville to continue to add to the Lamont family fortune.

The survey asked how likely the respondent is to vote next year, the direction the is headed, opinion, if any, of Lamont, as well as Republicans Bob Stefanowski, Themis Klarides, Heather Somers, and Susan Patricelli Regan.

Posted December 11, 2021.