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State Police Union Sues to Enjoin Promotion of Sergeants. Union Claims State Abandoned Merit Protections.

The Connecticut State Police Union (CSPU) and three union members are challenging the state’s method of selection promotions to sergeant. CSPU, Demitrie Bogiatozopoulos, Ryan Cloukey, and Wayne Glaude commenced an action against the Department of Emergency Services And Public Protection, the Department of Administrative Services, and commissioners James Rovella and Josh Gabelle.

CSPU claims that the state has adopted a promotion system that “…is not apparent what criteria were used to determine which candidates advanced for further consideration, and which candidates did not. Moreover, even for those candidates who did advance to the next phase of the process, Defendants do not rank the passing candidates relative to each other based on any merit principles.”

You may read the initial complaint for a temporary injunction, permanent injunction and declaratory judgment here.

CSPU defeated the state’s motion to dismiss the matter on December 27th. The case continues.