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Stefanowski Has a 3,000 Signature Cushion.

Madison Republican Bob Stefanowski says he’s collected 12,000 signatures from registered Republicans–a number that ought to be enough to get him on the August primary for governor. A Republican needs 9,080 valid signatures (2% of registered Republicans) to qualify for the primary ballot. Collecting 12,000 signatures provides a 3,000 signature buffer, which ought to be enough. A fail rate of 25% would be alarming.

Stefanowski will begin submitting petitions, which are segregated by town, to local registrars of voters for certification. The registrars forward the certified signatures to the Office of the Secretary of State who totals them and determines if there are enough.

Republicans Mark Lauretti and David Stemerman are also collecting signatures, as are Democrats Joseph Ganim and Guy Smith.

The signature collection process has provided immersion in Connecticut’s complicated political system for Stefanowski, who was recently a Democrat and did not vote from 2001 until 2017.