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Stefanowski Sends Some Messages to Party Activists in Announcement Video.

The renovated Bob Stefanowski has more than one message as he begins his second campaign for governor. Stefanowski’s 4-minute video is stuffed with special guest turns.

Dorothea of Morris reveals her electric bill is higher than her rent. Energy bills are likely to loom large in the the race for the Republican nomination if former House Minority Leader Themis Klarides remains in the race. Klarides is married to Eversource executive Greg Butler. The giant utility is widely unpopular across the state.

Tara Carr, elected Brookfield’s first selectman in November by defeating a Democratic incumbent, praises Stefanowski for his virtues as a listener. An army veteran who rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel, Carr served in Afghanistan. If state Republicans are to emerge from the wilderness, they will need leaders like Carr.

The most intriguing appearance is silent. Carolyn Candelora appears in a final shot, behind Stefanowski on the right. She’s the wife of House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora, who served as deputy leader when Klarides was the head of the House Republican caucus.

The ancient promise to eliminate waste, fraud and abuse from state programs will not carry Stefanowski through to November–even with a repeated dollop of a forensic audit. The Madison Republican will need some meaningful specifics is he’s to withstand a sustained and withering assault on the airwaves from incumbent Governor Ned Lamont.