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Stefanowski Unveils Economic Plan. Has Some Trouble Explaining It.

Bob Stefanowski was in Hartford Monday to discuss Connecticut’s economy and his plan to revive it. The Madison Republican would eliminate the income, corporate, and estate and gift taxes. The economy would thrive, he believes. Stefanowski had some trouble explaining how the state would continue to pay for public services–even reduced ones–without a mechanism to tax a growing economy other than the sales tax. Stefanowski would not raise the sales tax, relying on its current 6.35% rate as the driver to fund $20 billion in state services.

Stefanowski, who was a Democrat when the year began, puts a premium on symbolism. The corporate tax will be the first to go and, he asserted, that will send a message that Connecticut “is open for business.”

You can learn more about the plan on BobforGovernor.com.

Economist Arthur Laffer also spoke, devoting most of his time to singing the praises of Tennessee.