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Stevenson: “Political Stench” Requires Dismantling of State Party.

A statement from First Selectman Jayme Stevenson of Darien:

News from Eastern Connecticut doesn’t often make it’s way to Fairfield County but we are downwind of a political stench emanating from the 2nd Congressional District. I’ve recently confirmed that the CTGOP Chairman and others in GOP leadership were presented with information in April of this year about a horrific domestic violence act…an act that resulted in the arrest of the perpetrator on Monday, August 10 on charges of first-degree unlawful restraint and second degree strangulation. You can read more about the incident in this article.

Paralyzed by the idea of exposing a “favored” Congressional candidate, the CTGOP leaders chose silence and inaction.  Silence and inaction are not options when a victim, traumatized by fear, cries out for help.  

The monster at the center of this story is, unbelievably, in a vote recount with his opponent and will likely win the primary.  Every Connecticut Republican should be as outraged as I am that party leaders let a domestic violence abuser continue his candidacy while his victim watches in shock and dismay.  Stopping domestic abuse is not someone else’s job…it’s our collective responsibility to step up, speak out with the help of lawyers from domestic violence law firm and stop the abuse.

As a woman, mother, grandmother, CEO and compassionate human being, I understand the immediate duty to act when presented with serious allegations.  It is quite literally a matter of life and death for the victim.  Everyone deserves their due process but by turning their back on this young woman, CTGOP leadership turned their back on all women…on my daughters, on my friends and my sisters across Connecticut.

I say NO MORE!  It’s time we dismantle and rebuild the Connecticut Republican Party into an organization that truly values women and is not complicit in putting political interests above the safety of victims.

If you are in an abusive relationship and need help, please call tel:1-888-774-2900 (English) or tel:1-844-831-9200 (Spanish).

Jayme J. Stevenson
Mom, Grandmother, Aunt, Friend