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Switching Races: Greenberg From Comptroller to Congress.

Mark Greenberg is expected to drop his bid for the Republican nomination for state comptroller next week to launch a campaign for U.S. Representative Elizabeth Esty’s open seat in Connecticut’s Fifth Congressional District. It will be the Litchfield real estate developer’s fourth bid for the office. The Embattled Esty announced Monday she will not seek a fourth term. She has maintained for the past eight days of rickety crisis management that she will not resign before her term ends in January.

Greenberg is a prolific self-funder, averaging $1.5 million in each of his three congressional races. This time, Greenberg will make a $1 million contribution to this year’s campaign at the outset of what could be competitive contest for the Republican nomination, Daily Ructions has learned.

Greenberg failed to win his party’s nomination in 2010 and 2012. He won an easy victory in 2014 and went on to lose to Esty, who was seeking her second term.