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The New Yorker podcast features local newspaper that was on to George Santos from the start.

Many Daily Ructions readers will be paying attention to the unfurling saga of U.S. Representative George Santos (R-who knows?). Details of Santos’ fabrications and cons continue to emerge. Santos amended his campaign finance reports Tuesday. The origins of the impecunious Santos’ $700,000 personal loan to his 2022 campaign remain the immediate threat to his status in the House of Representatives.

The media capital of the world has provided few explanations of how the George Santos story received no attention from the big beasts of the region until after the shapeshifting con man was about to take office. There is a hero in the bewildering story. The New Yorker’s Clare Malone interviews North Shore Leader publisher Grant Lally. He had Santos’ number before voters went to the polls–and wrote about him.

Here’s the link to the 22 minute interview on Apple podcasts and it’s embedded in at The New Yorker.

Published January 26, 2023.