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The O’Keefe Method. DECD commissioner shows how to answer a questions and correct an error.

Commissioner Daniel O’Keefe of the Department of Economic and Community Development posted an endorsement on his LinkedIn account of a software company in which he is an investor. O’Keefe identifies himself on LinkedIn as commissioner and the state’s Chief Innovation Officer.

Daily Ructions asked O’Keefe if he had sought and obtained an opinion from the state’s ethics agency before posting the endorsement of Roam (or Ro.am).

Here, in bold and in part, is his reply:

Yes – I am an investor in Roam, as well as a number of other companies (my background prior to state service was a technology investor). All are, of course, disclosed to state ethics in my financial disclosures.

I did not seek an opinion from ethics specific to the below post. When I joined the administration, I did seek an opinion as to my (passive) involvement with those companies generally (including Roam), and was advised that (1) I cannot be paid by any of those companies (I am not) and (2) if any have business in front of the state I need to recuse myself (none do, and I would if they did). I did not ask for an opinion specific to social media posts, but did just now after receiving your email, as well as to whether any further disclosures needed if I do post about a company.

While I await that, I’ve deleted the post, and publicly disclosed that I’ve done so. Because I think you are right – while in that moment in my head I was posting as an individual (I’ve been active on LinkedIn since its founding), the reality is my title is right there, and it can’t look like I’m supporting something in my official role if I am not. While I’m curious what the above opinion ultimately suggests, regardless I don’t plan to post about companies I am invested in anymore.

I appreciate what you do, as it makes those of us in service better, and I’ll do better.

Some public officials, too many, immediately take an adversarial position when asked about obvious errors. They stonewall or escalate. Instead, they ought to adopt the O’Keefe method. Stop relying on spokesmen and give a candid answer to simple questions.

Published February 7, 2025.


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